'answer' Seokjin's Notes °30 August Year 22°

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30 August
Year 22
(Part 6)

When she saw the diary she thought she had lost,
she seemed to be embarrassed.
Her favorite movies, places she wanted to see,
favorite flowers, and dreams for the future appeared
every time I turned pages.

It was also what I did for her.
I'm sorry, that didn't come out too well...
The red diary was placed between us like a traffic light at an intersection.

I wanted to make you happy.
I wanted to make you laugh.
I wanted to be a good person.

If you follow the letters in the diary,
you will know I wanted it to happen.
But the more I tried to be someone else,
the more frightened I became.
I was desperately concealing myself and pushing away my true self.
But just as I couldn't end my sentence,
it's subject forgotten,
I lost myself and I couldn't go any further.

I know now.
I was in a position that I could not move on.
I was unable to be honest with
myself without the truth being brutal and painful.
It was a part of me that was scarce,
but was also failing and mistaken.

I went out on the street and took off my hat.
As I swept my hair, I lost time trying to be someone else between my fingers.
I turned my head and saw my face in the window.

The man I saw:
His face, his pale lips, his dry shoulders, seemed so grinning.
I laughed in the window.
How dishonest this poor man had been