Ch.4: A Quiet Dinner

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 “A crane!”, Nunally exclaimed as Adelice walked through the door. Sayoko and Nunally turned as the heard footsteps. “Hello Nunally, Sayoko.”, she greeted, placing her school bag on the floor, tucking it under the table so no one would trip over it. She sighed, rubbing her shoulder softly. That bag was beginning to get heavy now with her wet swimsuit on top of all her school supplies.

 “Adelice look what Sayoko made!”, Nunally said, holding her hands up. “That's wonderful, it's a red crane.”. Adelice smiled and sat next across from Nunally watching her hold the paper crane in her hands and felt the details of the creases with her fingertips. “Is my brother coming?”, Nunally asked setting the crane down beside her so that she could show Lelouch. There was a hopefulness tone to her voice and Adelice wish that Lelouch would keep his promise to be here tonight.

 Adelice waved her hand. “Well you know that brother of yours, he's always so unreliable”, she said sarcastically. “Let's hope he keeps his promise to us, huh?”, Adelice said, looking out the window of the dining room. Her eyes traveled down the hunter green drapes. “I hope so, I've been really looking forward to having dinner with both of you.”, Nunally said.

 You better be here today Lelouch... you promised me... Adelice closed her eyes, feeling a wave of anxiety hit her. She hoped he hadn't gotten into more trouble again and if only he would just stay home with Nunally. Why couldn't he just be content ever night being at home? She was brought out of her thoughts when the door opened. Finally...

 “I'm sorry, I'm so late.”, Lelouch said as he walked through the door. “Hi Lelouch. Welcome home”, Nunally said, excited to have her brother at such an early time, well... early for Lelouch. Sayoko stood, her hands clasped together in front of her.

 “Yes. Welcome home, my lord.”, she said with a slight bow. Adelice smiled up at him as he smiled back. “No place like it, Sayoko.”, he answered, setting his bag down onto the floor just like Adelice had. “I'll go prepare the food.”, Sayoko said turning and walking toward the kitchen door as Lelouch sat down at the head of the table.

 He gently took Adelice's hand and kissed it, bringing that smile he loved so much to her lips again. “Welcome home, Lelouch”, Adelice said softly as his lips touched the back of her hand. He smiled at her and then turned his head as Sayoko came out of the kitchen, carting the plates on a little kart with wheels.

 She set the plate in front of Lelouch, Nunnaly and then Adelice. “Thank you Sayoko it looks wonderful.”, Adelice said, eying the juicy steak, mixed vegetables and a small bowl of egg flower soup next to it, in front of her.

 “Yes, thank you Sayoko.”, Lelouch said as she carted the serving kart back to the kitchen. Lelouch took a bite of his food and then turned to Nunally. “How was your day, Nunally?”, he asked beginning to cut into his steak. “It was a lot of fun. Ms. Sayoko was teaching me more about the art of Origami.”

 “Would you like me to bring some more colorful paper, Nunally? I have a lot more.” Adelice giggled softly. “At the rate you and Sayoko are making art, you're liable to run out soon.” Nunally smiled and giggled a little too. “If it isn't too much trouble.”, Nunally answered. “Not at all, dear.”

 Nunally turned back to Lelouch. “It's amazing. Fold a piece of paper the correct way and you can make birds, boats, almost anything.”, she said excited, taking a spoonful of soup at the same time, spilling a little down her chin in the process. Lelouch grabbed his napkin cleaning the soup off of her. “Easy there, you don't have to tell me everything all at once, you know? It's not like I'm going anywhere.”

 Adelice smiled as she watched Lelouch. How gentle he was with Nunally, it was something so unnatural for the constant violence she saw everyday on the news. It was nice to see someone do something for someone they loved. “Ya, you're right, thank you.”, Nunally said making Lelouch smile. “You're very welcome.”

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