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2:35pm. Two days after I went to the station. Rosalie has not said much. I do not blame her, of course, she has had a seriously rough few days. She's mostly been laying in my bed, cuddled up in the duvet. I've taken the week off work as she most definitely can not be left alone here by herself at the moment. I long for the day she heals or comes around.


2:35pm. Nothing to say to anyone. Don't want to move. Don't want to breathe. I'm finally eating but Mr. Hardy has been forcing me to eat. Mr. Hardy has been everything I've ever wanted in merely three days. I decided to get out of bed to finally thank him for his help and hospitality. I trod downstairs in one of my silk nighties we managed to retrieve from the house yesterday. Mr. Hardy went in and grabbed everything he could. I would sincerely be forever in debt to him for all he has done concerning my marriage, health and well-being.

I walked like Bambi on ice downstairs as I have not been out of bed in three days. I heard the faint sound of a computer keyboard being tapped away on, so I followed the noise straight to his office. My breath hitched a little as I found Mr. Hardy, shirtless with his vintage looking glasses on, cross-legged on his office chair, slouched over his Mac. He looked so young suddenly as he wore a look of pure confusion on his face probably due to some email. He bit his lip in his state of confusion. My breath hitched again. This caught his attention and he completely changed his stance. He uncrossed his legs and stood up quickly, returning his familiar cold look to his face. I stepped towards him.

"R-Rosalie, you are up I see." I nodded and stopped at the corner of his desk. He seemed dismayed at the lack of my words. I'm sure he's missed human conversation and contact in the last two days.

"Y-yes Mr. Hardy. I was just coming down to finally thank you for everything you have done for me. I have been such a burden on your household and I apologise." He face softened a little, but not much.

"Rosalie." He stepped closer to me. I stepped a little further back, resenting any touch. "You have been anything but a burden on my household and there is nothing you can do to change my mind about that matter. You are to stay here for as long as you need or wish, quite frankly." A small smile appeared on my face. I nodded and mouthed a 'thank you.' He nodded and sat back down on his seat.

"Uh. It's a quite late for breakfast obviously. Do you want to wait for dinner or have a late lunch." I wasn't too hungry. "Wait for dinner?" He said as if he read my mind, I looked up a little suprised at this and nodded my head.

3:00pm. I was sat on the sofa binge watching big mouth, trying my best to laugh and get back to normal. "Rosalie..." I heard a voice say.

"Rosalie..." I hid in the airing cupboard but I could hear his footsteps against the hard floors. I was shaking uncontrollably and I was trying my best to mask my breathing but...he found me.

"Rosalie?" Mr. Hardy. Just him. "Would you like a drink?" Nodding, I followed him to the kitchen. "What would you like?" I sat on one of the breakfast stools and he walked to the fridge...still shirtless. "Well?" He caught me staring. Should probably answer.
"Have you got any strawberry milkshake?"
"Funnily enough Rosalie I do not because I am a 27 year old CEO who lives on his own." He said, clearly amused by raising his eyebrow.
"Right..." I giggled a little. "Maybe w-we should go shopping." He was surprised I'm sure of it.
"Only if you are sure Rosalie. I do not mind going myself it is not a prob-"
"No it's fine. Mr. Hardy really, it's been too long since I've been out of the house. Just give me a second to get changed." A very small smirk appeared on his face, practically unnoticeable, and he nodded.

3:17pm. Nothing fancy was to be worn, just a navy blue sweater and black ripped jeans with converse. The most presentable I've looked in a few days. My hair was still a mess, put up in a bun which seemed to match my bare face perfectly. I slipped my glasses on and walked downstairs.
"Ready?" I nodded.
"Let's go." Mr. Hardy played with his keys in his hands. His glasses were still in his face and hair a little messy, much to my dismay, he was now wearing a tight white t shirt with a cardigan and joggers. Still a little bit beautiful. He quickly turned towards me and caught me staring again. I just looked to the floor with a rosy tint appearing on my cheeks. I heard an unfamiliar small chuckle come from his lips. I was shocked at his sudden display of emotion.

3:47pm. We arrived at the supermarket. The car journey was longer than I thought and it was mostly silent apart from a little small talk about how he was doing, how I was doing and the purr of the engine of his matte black Range Rover.

"Okay...these...these...oh and these..." I watched as Mr. Hardy muttered to himself over which vegetables he wanted for tonight's dinner. I think we're having a curry but I wasn't really listening. I pushed the trolley next to him as he picked out various things. This was when I decided to do a slide with the trolley, which ended in disaster. I gathered a bit of speed and tried to skid with the trolley, however the grip on my shoes didn't let me and I was sent flying. Silence. Then I looked up to see a cold stare from Mr. Hardy turn into a hysterical laugh. I watched in awe. His laughter was so strange and wonderful and I wandered how many people were graced with the gift of his laughter, I'm sure it wasn't many. It sounded a little like a hair grip got caught in a vacuum cleaner. It was not long before I started to laugh with him.

He eventually helped me up after wiping the tears from his eyes. "Here." He put the strawberry milkshake powder in the trolley while still chucking a little and we carried on shopping. Everything was a little less tense and I could see Mr. Hardy would be opening up to me soon. I didn't find it difficult to open up to him or anyone for that matter which is why it's so easy for me to be hurt. 'I have a feeling it won't happen this time.' I thought with a smile. 'I'm safe...but not from myself.'

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