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I woke up a lot happier this morning. I rolled over to check the time on the alarm clock. 8:16am. Not too early not too late. I've been waking up at 4-am recently.

"Morning, Mr. Hardy."
"Good Morning, Rosalie." He looked up at me from making his tea in the kitchen. Shirtless again, the bastard. "I trust you slept well." I nodded eagerly.
"Yup! Slept for eight hours last night!" He smiles a little at my sudden enthusiasm, I was coming back for sure.
"That's great." He suddenly adopted a melancholy attitude.
"Whatever is the matter Sir?" I asked with concern.
"It's nothing. It is just I'm sure you will want to be leaving soon to your home and your shop and your family." A look of confusion crossed my face.
"Mr. Hardy I can not go home. Too many horrendous memories. I was actually going to ask..." I started to bite on my lip nervously. "If I could stay until my house has been sold?" He put his tea down and walked over to me with the same cold expression he'd had for the year I'd known him and sat on the
"There is nothing I'd like more actually. I told you you are to stay here as long as you want. It is not like I receive many guests any way." I leaned forward a little. Almost intrusively.
"Why aren't you married Mr. Hardy? I would half expect you to have a wife and children by now." His face softened at my question and he lost a little of his grace.
"Well, I just haven't really had time to meet anyone that special with BlueWave taking off. I would like to have all that obviously someone to provide for and look after for the rest of my life but I've never been in a relationship. One nighters and casual things but nothing serious I'm afraid." I put a hand on his shoulder hesitantly. He put his hand on mine.
"If it makes you feel any better, I've been in the same relationship basically my whole life and that didn't exactly end in unicorns and rainbows." He nodded and we sat there for a little while longer.

"Do you have a swimming pool?"
"I have three, why?"
"Seeing as though it's so bloody hot in here, I thought we could go for a swim then?" I hopped off the seat and walked back upstairs. I started to strip in the bedroom, searching for a swimming costume.

"Yeah, that's right strip. You're nothing Rosa. No one will ever love you and to think I did makes me sick." I trembled as I peeled the last item of clothing off. When I was done Harold grabbed me by the neck and started furiously sucking. "P-please stop."

You've got to stop this, Rosa. I put my red swimming costume on which I thought I looked horrendous in due to the bruising and cuts that were scattered on my body. It would have to do. You have to be strong, Rosa.

10:12am. I made my way back to the kitchen and Mr. Hardy was no where to be found. I suddenly heard an echo of splashing coming from a door. I crept down the stairs behind the door and found Mr. Hardy soaking wet, leaning against the side of the pool, looking directly at me (photo). Christ alive, he's beautiful. The way the water droplets fell off of his furrowed brow and the way they followed the curve of his muscles. I can see why he has so many one night stands, girls must be throwing themselves at him. I do not blame them one bit. 

"You coming in or are you going to stare at me all day?" He smirked and slowly went under water, doing another lap. While he wasn't looking, I dropped my towel and lowered myself into the huge pool. The room was larger than the living room and kitchen put together, it was dark except the blue lights which lit up the pool and Mr. Hardy's features perfectly. I started to swim around a little, getting used to the cool temperature when I felt something tickle my feet. I flapped about in the water like a mad woman. If you know anything about me, you know not to touch my feet. I was simultaneously flapping and laughing hard in the pool for about a minute before he had to catch his breath. 

"I-I could hear you from under the water Rosalie!" He was clutching his stomach as he tried not to drown from laughing so much. I stopped laughing and just smiled at him, observing his laughter and almost child-like state. He hasn't had this opportunity before, I could tell. Never had a proper friend to laugh with or have fun. Genuine fun. I've never been so glad for one of my Father's parties. I'm genuinely glad I met him.

"Come on, I think I might actually drown if we stay in here any longer." He said finally breaking his laughter. I made sure to get out when he couldn't see me, my state is completely horrendous and he shouldn't have to see me like this; I do not want to burden him with it. I quickly wrapped myself in the towel and joined him in the sauna. He was sitting cross legged, holding his legs as if he was sitting on the floor of a classroom in primary school. His head laid back but his eyes met mine as he heard the door of the sauna open. He just sat there, stared and gave me a small smile before doing something I would never have expected him to do. He lowered himself to the ground and crawled towards me. I'm sorry but what the fuck is going on. I adopted a completely shocked facial expression and his hand eventually rested on my knees. I winced a little at his touch but it was gentle enough for there to be minimal pain. I trusted him to touch me. He nestled his head into my lower thigh and kissed the back on my knee. Right...sorry but this man says about seven words to me a day normally and now he's on his knees, kissing my leg?

"I can see you're worried about showing your body around me, Rosa." Rosa?! "But you really are utterly perfect, you have no idea what I would like to do to you. I will wait for you for as long as you need, days, weeks, months, years even; the longer, the better result" He growled against my leg. My breath hitched and he stood up in front of me, gently lifting my hand and kissing it, completely changing his state back to gentlemanly "I promise to stand by you, protect you and provide for you as long as you live." I almost got whiplash from this sudden change from sex God to boy next door! He walked out the door, leaving me completely breathless. I need to have  a serious talk with Mr. Hardy. How dare he.

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