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3 months later

8:59am. I decided to have a positive outlook on the day today, it was starting to get into Autumn and the leaves were changing and falling, London seemed to have a copper hue throughout this season and it was something I loved very much. Moving day went well and however much I'll miss being with Ben most hours of the day, it's still good to finally be able to live on my own with no panicking or twitches. Although, some creaks and cracks from the house do give me a fright sometimes. I was wearing a burnt orange knitted jumper, black ripped jeans and white converse with a black coat engulfing me. I made my way to the flower shop with two coffees in my hands. A vanilla latte for my Mother (she was working today, but not until a little later) and a hazelnut hot chocolate for myself. I had a good feeling about today, we had many autumnal arrangements to prepare and we would love every bit of it.

As I rounded the corner to my shop, I heard a terrifying, piecing noise rip through the street. The noise turned into a horrific explosion, causing my ears to ring-

My shop...gone in an instant. A long piece of glass pierced my collar bone and I screamed out in pain. I tried to call an ambulance but I could hear sirens in the distance signifying they were already on their way. Everything I'd worked hard to forget came back to me and there was nothing I could do but fall the ground. Everything went black.

4:17pm. I woke up to bright lights and beeps. My memory of this morning came flooding back and a single tear floated down my face as if I had no tears left to cry. Pain is familiar to me and I accept it. I felt a ghastly sting through my arm and chest as I sat up. I saw my Father on the arm chair.

"D-Daddy?" I choked out as I sat up a little further. His head pricked up and he bounded over to me.

"Oh my darling, your Mother and I were so worried about you. You've just had a minor operation to get the glass out of your body but you'll be fine, well, hopefully anyway!" He grinned at me as he held my hand. I just nodded as the door squeaked open. My Mother. She also bounded over to my other side and grabbed my hand.

"My darling daughter with us at last! You are never leaving our sight." I smiled as we cried together as a trio.

"I quite agree, she's not leaving my sight either." I looked up to see Ben leaning against the door, hair a little messy and tie a little undone. He too, looked like he'd been crying.

"We'll leave you two...but not for long!" My parents kissed my cheek then gave Ben a quick hug before exiting the room. Ben raced over to me and placed a soft kiss on my lips. He stroked the side of my face as another tear peeled down his cheek reluctantly.

"Please don't cry, Ben." I placed my hand on his cheek and he leaned into it.
"I thought I lost you, Rosa. What do you want me to do? I have every powerful man and woman on the case. The firemen said it looked like a man-made bomb." My lips opened in shock. A bomb?

"It wasn't an accident? I tough the electric or the boiler may have exploded." Ben shook his head.

"That piercing shriek you heard was a countdown to the explosion, darling."

"You don't think it was-"

"Yeah, Rosa, I do. I had an acquaintance do some digging and I'm so sorry but Harold Hooper is a member of dreadnought; an awful, awful organisation and gang that feeds off other people's money by hacking and scams." I lifted my hand to my mouth and started hyperventilating. This can't be happening. The supposed love of my life just bombed my shop. He knows it was my dream and everything I've worked for.

"Why?" I managed to get out.
"I don't know," he stroked my hair "I don't know."

Ben and I sit there for a while, contemplating everything that had just happened. I didn't know Harry could use Microsoft word let alone hack countries. To say I was surprised would be an understatement.

"Ben." He looked up with his big beautiful eyes. "I'm a strong woman Ben, but...but I can't live on my own!" I burst into tears at my sudden weakness. "T-there's no security anymore, I don't k-know what I've don't to them and they're going to bomb my house or kill me if they find out where I am!" I was really getting myself into a state now and Ben rapidly tried to calm me down.

"Move in with me, Rosa. Security isn't a problem, we can double, no, triple the security there and at BlueWave." I nodded and there was silence again until the door creaked open.

"Darling, we've just signed the release papers and you're free to go. We're going to go home now."

"Okay Mummy, love you."
"Love you too darling please keep us updated!" I nodded and they both walked out the room.

"Shall we go to yours and get your stuff back? Knowing you, you definitely haven't unpacked anything." Ben giggled as he helped me up. I rolled my tear filled eyes and slapped his chest.

"Shut up...but yeah it's true."

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