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4:50pm. I was waiting for Rosa in the foyer and I was tweaking my all black suit. I slipped my black patent oxfords on and continued to wait. I could hear her music blasting through the house but it had finally stopped. Rosalie came down the grand staircase and my breath was taken away by her beauty. Her hair was in a graceful up-do with little pieces of hair falling to frame her dewy and glowing facial features. As she walked, you could catch a glimpse of her nude heels which matched perfectly with her gorgeous dress. I had to make this girl my own. Not as a possession but a life partner. She was everything I had ever wanted personified and the embodiment of kindness, forgiveness and honesty. She made her way over to me with a smile on her face. I could tell she placed makeup on her faded bruises to conceal them but you would never notice them if you didn't know.

"You look stunning, Rosa." She blushed a little and linked her arm with mine.

"Best be off then Mr. Hardy." I gave her a smile and sent her a wink before we made our way out to my driver.

5:36pm. We arrived at the house and Rosa had a look of awe on her face. The house was decorated in pink fairy lights all over and there was a pink Cinderella carriage outside the door, pulled by four white horses.

"You did this?" She asked, still staring at the house as we walked up arm in arm. I nodded and chuckled.

"She just told me what she envisioned and I simply made it happen. I told you she was a drama queen." She laughed as I helped her up the steps to the house. Ballroom music was playing and the buzz of the guest's conversations could be heard almost as loudly. The lighting of the whole house was pink and there were cardboard Disney princesses everywhere. I could sense my little sister.

"Here we go.." I warned Rosa but she just grinned.

"BENNY!" My gorgeous little sister ran towards me. I picked her up and spun her around as we both giggled. I mean..not giggled. She giggled. nOt me. "Benny, it's my BIRTHDAY, look at all my presents!" Rosa and I both turned to see the gargantuan pile of presents that had been added to more and more as her friends and guests arrived.

"Yes, Yes I can see my darling girl. Have you greeted your guest?" I raised my eyebrow at my sister referring to Rosa. Izzy smiled and shook her head knowing she hadn't. She jumped down from my arms and went over to Rosalie.

"Hello. I'm Isabel Alexandra Hardy and I'm 12. You're very pretty!" I could see Rosa's heart melting at her words.
"Well its an honour to meet you Isabel Alexandra Hardy. I hope you like your present!" Rosa handed her the present she bought her from out of her clutch bag, which I had no idea she got and Izzy ripped the paper off. There was a beautiful little box with a little silver necklace of the Disney castle. I stared at Rosalie in awe. She'd only just met my sister yet I knew she was already in the palm of her hand.

"What do you say?" I warned.

"Thank you, thank you! I shall never take it off." Izzy handed me the necklace and I rolled my eyes, attempting to put it round her neck. It really was a lovely present.

"Okay Izz, where's Mummy and Daddy?" She pointed over at the bar and ran off, most probably to show off her new necklace to her friends. I chuckled at the ball of energy and Rosa did the same.

"She really is delightful, I'm glad I came tonight, Ben." I nodded and we made our way to my parents. I squeezed Rosa's hand as she seemed a little nervous.


"My darling, Ben!" His Mother, Paula, grabbed either side of his face and kissed him all around his face. I could see a little blush creeping onto his cheeks. I'd never seen him like this so I'd let out a laugh. This gained her attention.

"And Rosalie Buckingham! My, My it really is so good to finally meet you! Jack had always been a good friend to our Ben and nothing would make me happier than for you to be with him!" She did a casual kiss on the cheek and slight hug with me. I gave out a nervous laugh.

"Mrs. Hardy, your son and I are not together." I could sense Ben getting a little tense and he let his hand fall back to his side.

"Oh I do apologise, it's just the press say you're dating and darling our grandchildren would be beautiful!" Ben and I gave out a nervous laugh and I greeted his Father. We made small talk for a little bit before returning to the party. Ben and I had also had a few glasses of wine from the bar.

9:15pm. Isabel and I had really formed a connection, we were dancing around like lunatics whilst Ben mingled. He'd joined in a couple of times unenthusiastically but only because of the drinks, it was something he'd never participate in sober. We danced for a little longer until it was time for the younger guests to leave and for Isabel to go to bed. She gave Ben and I a long hug and ran off to bed with all her new toys and presents. I had put my mobile number in the little Nokia Ben bought her as a first phone. She had informed me she'd be texting me all the time and I said I'd look forward to it.

"Do you want another drink?" Ben asked a little coldly. My brow furrowed but I agreed. He was off to the bar and I finally had a sit down on one of the chairs around the ballroom.

"Here." He handed me yet another glass of prosecco and sat down next to me. I decided to address the elephant in the room that was growing larger and larger every second.

"Look, Ben I'm sorry-" He grabbed my hand and took me to the study, a quieter place to talk. Very sensible Mr. Hardy.

"Look, I'm sorry I said that in front of your parents I understand it's a little confusing for them but it's confusing for me too and I'm sure you're the most confused of all. I feel myself getting lost and I don't know how or what to feel about you or for you. You've helped me through everything and you're gorgeous-sorry-and I you." I quickly put my hand over my mouth and stood up. Did I just say that. We aren't even in a fucking relationship Rosa. But I guess it's true, but maybe it's the champagne talking. Ben stood up with me.

"I'm so sorry I can't believe I just said that I know we are taking it slow because of everything that happened with Harry but the truth is I'm really quite fragile and anything could trigger m-"

He pressed his lips against mine, cutting my rambling off. I didn't except it at first and pushed him off. But what was there to loose. I'd been hurt before, but there was nothing left to hurt. It was true, I loved Ben Hardy, CEO of BlueWave and CEO of my heart. After a few seconds of contemplation, I softly reattached our lips and the kiss was mesmerising. His lips were so soft and plump. His kiss was soft and gentle, fitting perfectly like a puzzle with mine.

It's ironic isn't it? At a Disney Princess party, I finally found my Prince Charming.

{ the finest. ben hardy }Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora