06: Jove Laughs

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I wake up in cold sweat and harsh breathing as I took a look at my surroundings.
What the hell...

It was a dream.
A nightmare...

I slump back onto the bed as I stared at nothing in the darkness. I felt a sudden shift beside me and my eyes quickly caught the figure laying beside me.

I turn my head to the right to see jisoo sleeping peacefully next to me. How did she even get here? Fuck, I don't remember a thing.

"Taehyung..." an unusual deep voice said and I blink twice only to have jisoo turned into a fleshless corpse with bloody burises all over her body.

"J-Jisoo?" I whimpered, terrified at what my eyes were seeing.

"She's dead"



I jump out of my bed and hit the floor, frantically breathing with tears in my eyes. No, no, no. Is this the same fucking nightmare all over again?

"Ah, mister?" I hear the familiar voice of Jisoo and immediately back up away from her as her head peaked over the bed to look at me.

"Stay away! I swear to god I'll... I'll..." I couldn't finish my sentence. Even if she was a nightmare, I didn't have it in me to kill her.

"I guess you're still talking rubbish huh? Are you okay? You passed out after you came downstairs..." she said with a worried expression. I passed out?

"No, I didnt... you and Irene were fighting... the knife... jungmi?"
The more I spoke the more I became unsure of what really happened. Was I hallucinating?

"Fight? We didn't fight, I helped her with dinner and took care of jungmi... Irene just sat there, she didn't eat much though... I've been meaning to ask who is she? Another family friend?" Jisoo went on and I sigh in relief. It seems like everything Is normal, jisoo doesn't talk like a complete psychopath anymore that's for sure.

I get off the floor and slide in the bed with her.
"Well, uh it's hard to explain, but Irene is just a friend of ours and... Me and you had known each other for a very long time, so we had a kid together but while you were gone, Irene and I took care of Eunji for you" I explained, hoping it would kick some of her memories back.

"But I dont remember you... You were never there, it was just Eunji and I..."
I felt a pang in my chest as she said that. How could she forget me? I was the only thing that mattered in her life, she would be nothing without me. Now she's just an empty shell.

"I'm sorry if it disappoints you, I know I'm not in the best condition sir"
She apologises and I let out a dry chuckle.
"I see..."

Damn that doctor. Damn her, does Jisoo think I'm that stupid? I'm kind of hurt to be honest.
Playing dumb and then escape later, is that really her plan?

I'm glad I checked the hospitals security footage before we left. It was so fucking weird how that doctor kept insisting I let Jisoo think Eunji is hers.

No real doctor would do that without several days of checking her condition but she did it as soon as I got there. I caught them conspiracy as soon as she woke up.

Well its okay now, the doctors gone anyways, there shouldn't be anymore problems from here on out. I'll just have to catch her in the act and that just might be tonight.

Without saying a word I pull the covers over my body and lay down in bed. I feel Jisoo's eyes examining me, probably wondering why my attitude suddenly changed. I smirk as part of me wants her to know I figured her out.
I feel the bed sink a little letting me know Jisoo stayed in bed. Just a little longer.

Authors POV*

3 hours later


Taehyungs eyes shot wide open after hearing that sound he was waiting for. It was the sound of the window opening.

He slowly squinted his eyes open to see Jisoo trying to get through the window of their bedroom. The door would've been a better option, he thought to himself.

Even though he has the power to stop her right now, he doesn't because where's the fun in that? He wants to see her go into shock after he catches her. Just like in their highschool days.

Jisoo eventually jumped out the window and wasted no time in running. The yard was fenced but she didn't bother trying to do any tricks. She ran straight for the gate which was unguarded at the moment and put in the code to open it. Tears brimmed her eyes as her heart began to beat like crazy.

She didn't know if it was due to happiness or fear of leaving Taehyung, but she didn't want to find out, so she kept running and didn't stop.

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