07: Confessions

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On the other hand, Taehyung took his time getting out of bed and put his shoes on. He hummed a little tune as he went to Jung-mi's bedroom and checked if she was still asleep.
He gave her a light kiss on the forehead then went to Him and Irene's room.

He doubt she was asleep because he went to sleep with Jisoo tonight.
She never went to sleep without him.

He entered the bedroom and quietly sat on the side of his bed as he looked at her with a blank expression.
"I know your awake"

Irene opened her eyes and smiled at Taehyung "Are you coming back to bed now?" She asked and Taehyung caressed the top of her head.
"Just go to sleep, I have something to take care of" Taehyung said and got off the bed but Irene pulled him back down.

"I'm sorry" she whispered an apology but he was confused what she was sorry about.

"I didn't mean to insult your wife, I shouldn't hate her but she has the one thing I thought was mine this entire time" Irene confessed and Taehyung sighed in annoyance. He didn't have time for all these emotions.

"All these years... These 5 years of knowing each other... Do you know how broken I was when I found out you had a wife all this time?!" She cried, still holding onto to Taehyungs arm in desperation and hurt.

She loved him so much that it hurt her and she didn't want to give him up, but there was no way she could win against Jisoo. She now knew that.

As soon as Jisoo woke up, she was casted away and treated like trash. Right when things were getting better for them, she just had to come back and ruin everything. Therefore, she despised Jisoo.

Taehyung shoved Irene off him and got off the bed.
"Yes, maybe you're right, I should have told you, but I couldn't come to speak about it. Those years with you made me forget all my mistakes, why would I want to bring them back?"

Irene nodded, understanding his reasons but it didn't hurt any less. How hard was it to say that he had a wife? He didn't even have to mention her condition.

"Honestly if I had known you had a wife, I wouldn't have went to your room that night" Irene said coldly which made Taehyung laugh.

"Please, spare me the bullshit. You were a sex worker, messing with married guys was your job" he laughed and Irene looked away in shame.

"So what? All they wanted from me was sex, but you were different! You took care of me. Having sex is very different from loving someone" she argued only for Taehyung to laugh even more.

"Love? Love you?" Taehyung said with an exasperated look. He walked around the bed and ended up on Irene's side, who was backed against the head board in fear that he would hurt her.

"As long as Jisoo is here, you don't stand a chance" Taehyung smirked and flicked her chin before exiting the bedroom.

Irene shivered in anger as the tears wouldn't stop. She quickly covered her mouth so the sobs wouldn't wake her daughter up.
After she collected herself she smiled weakly, finally understanding what she needed to do.

"As long as she's here, huh?"


'you're my... One and only... Love'

That's the tune Taehyung was singing as his car strolled down the pathway. He felt exceptionally calm tonight, from the crisp wind caressing his face to his wife crying in the back seat of his car.

He turned around to see Jisoo spilling tears on his car seat as she was tied up, struggling to get out.
Of course she didn't get far from the house because Taehyung made sure they lived in a semi secluded area that was far enough from the city.
By car it was a 30 minute drive but by walk... Your basically asking for your feet to fall off.

"Jisoo, do you remember this song? It was our wedding day song" Taehyung chirped, happily reminiscing the days they were still happy. Well, they were still happy, atleast that's what Taehyung keeps telling himself.

"I'm sure after your long break you remember a lot of things now" Taehyung said, gripping the steering wheel tightly.
"Especially after I've tried so hard to make you forget"

"Fwuck whu" Jisoo muffled through the tape causing Taehyung to burst into fits of laughter.
Jisoo was furious. Of course a sick psycho like him would find this funny. If only she had waited a bit longer... But it wasn't possible.

Taehyung already figured her out and she's more than positive that she wouldn't be able to leave the house if she stayed tonight, yet here she is.

Jisoo shifted her body so she can peak out the back window. She scoffed in annoyance because they were already in front of the house. He just couldn't wait to torture me, huh?

Like an angry toddler Jisoo began to thrash around in the back seat, continuously kicking the back of Taehyungs seat. She didn't have any motive of doing it, she jist wanted to piss him off for the last time tonight, which may be her last.

Taehyung abruptly stopped the car and wasted no time getting out. He opened the backseat door and dragged Jisoo out.

"Let me go!" she screamed as Taehyung carried her over his shoulder. They enetered the house and next thing she knew, her last chance at freedom was slammed right in front of her face.

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