09: Hurt

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Irene pov*

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Irene pov*

I wake up with an awful headache. Where am I?
Oh right. Taehyung passed out for some reason and I ended up doing care of him the whole night after I awkwardly ate dinner with jisoo and jingmi.

Suddenly I hear yelling downstairs and try to get out of bed but my head feels like it's ringing and the room is spinning around.

"YOU'LL COME BACK! THEY ALWAYS COME BACK!", I hear a familiar yelling from downstairs and...a baby crying.

Fuck. An angry Taehyung and Jungmi don't mix.
"Shut up!", Taehyung yells again and I hear a loud thud and I felt the blood drain my face.

I didn't care about my massive headache, I jumped out of the bed, the pain worsening but I still ran as fast as I could. Oh god, baby, please be okay.
I rushed down the stairs to see jungmi huddled by a wall and Taehyung having a mental breakdown while his hands were shaking and bleeding.

I gasped and immediately ran to jungmi and picked her up, checking for any bruises on her body. "Oh my god, Jungmi are you okay? Did daddy hurt you?", I frantically asked as she cried.
"Ani...He almost did" I look at the wall that now has a nice huge dent in it, I sighed in relief, he missed, but still, he almost hit her.

"Yah! What the hell Taehyung?! Are you out of your gotdamn mind, you almost hit your own daughter!", I scream with rage and he looks at me like he's confused. Never have I ever seen Taehyung look like this. Tears, blood stained eyes, as if he was on the verge of being insane.

"I-I almost hit her...Jungmi...princess", Taehyung reaches out to her but she cries more and I insticntly back away from him while I turn her face to my chest so she won't have to look at him.

Taehyung looks shocked and I feel bad, but there's no excuse for this.
"Why? Don't reject me, you and mommy are all I have left", he whimpers as he comes closer to us but I keep backing up. He's too dangerous right now. I run to the kitchen and grab a knife.

"Where are you going?! I said I'm Sorry! Look at me!", Taehyung follows us to the kitchen and I hold the knife against him.
"Tae, you need to back the hell away. Right. Now", I warn and he just laughs. I thought he would say saomthig else but then he lunges himself at us and I drop the knife.

No matter how fucked up Taehyung is, I can't kill him, I can't do it. I open my shut eyes to see him standing a few inches away from us. He has a blank expression on his face then he just turns around and walks out the kitchen.

This time I follow him and he's walking to the door.
"I'll be back...maybe", he says in a hushed tone and is about to walk out the door but for some reason I stop him.

Let him go. Get your few hours of peace.

I ignore the warning bells in my head and grab taehyungs arm. "Taehyung...stay, you'll probably get drunk off your ass like always so just...stay, please?"
He looks at me with wide eyes and his mouth hung open, trying to take in my kind words.
Usually I'm screaming at him or angry but sometimes people just need some love...
After a few minutes, Taehyung slowly let's go of the door and stands in front of me with a blank expression because he's obviously not used to this.

I glance at jungmi who's suddenly fallen asleep, I smile at her puffy cheeks and tear stained face as she lets out soft snores.
"I'll take her to bed", Taehyung calmly says and reaches for her. I became skeptical of his behavior but brushed it off and hesitantly handed jungmi to him.

He holds her tight in his arms and we both walk upstairs to her room. He gently drops her on her bed and gives her a light kiss on the head.

"Marry me"
I look at Taehyung in shock. Huh?! Did I hear wrong or did he just say
"Irene, marry me", he repeats with confidence and I almost drop to my knees.

"Please tell me your joking", I laugh humorlessly. This is what I've always wanted, I want to be his wife, somebody he'll love forever instead of that stupid jisoo.
So why does it feel so wrong?

MOTHER (Vsoo/Vrene) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now