04: Exposed

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"Baby, look-" before I could get my words out a harsh slap was sent my way.

"You bastard! We are not using my daughter as some kind of experiment to bring that skank back!" Irene screamed and I swore I felt my eye twitch when she insulted Jisoo.

"...you know I really applaud you, honestly, Maybe it's my fault you act this way huh? I've been far too lenient with you, but don't forget who took you in from the scum hole you crawled out of. I can very much put you back in there and nobody would even notice, not even Jang-mi" I said with a smirk before she kept her head down mumbling a quick apology.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance ad harshly grabbed her arm, forcing her to look at me. "Look at me while I'm talking to you and listen carefully"
she yelped as I made my grip around her arm became tighter.

"Jang-mi is my child as much as she is yours, me and you were just a short term fling, that child was just a mistake so be grateful that I took responsibility for the both of you because I could leave you both penny less with a blink of an eye" I growled and she was about to protest but I slammed her against the car door.

"You're going to tell Jang-mi that Jisoo is her real mother and that she was very sick and had to leave for a very long time, that's the plan, but if you decide to defy me you can bet on never seeing your daughter again" I threatened and she burst into sudden tears.

"W-why would you do this? Don't you care about her, you said she's your daughter too!" she cried but I give her no reaction. I would never hurt my baby girl but taking her away from her mother seemed like a very good option, I'm not that cruel.

"I care about you both but... I want Jisoo back more than anything, you should understand right?" I looked at Irene only to have her hitting and scartching my face.

"YOU MONSTER! I HATE YOU!!" Irene screamed in tears and I had no choice but to choke her enough to pass out. She dropped to the floor unconscious and I sighed with frustration.

"Ungrateful bitch" I spat before so hear a familiar cry from behind me.

"Eomma!" Jang-mi cried and I quickly picked her up and see my mother standing behind her with a disappointed look on her face.

"I'll take her home" she said but I didn't allow it.
"No, she'll stay with me-"
"I'm going to take her home, her bruises need to be looked after" my mom said in a demanding tone and I give up as she picked up Irene on her back and put her in the car.

"Whatever" I mumbled and walked back in the hospital with crying Jang-mi on my hip.

"Sweetheart shhh ok your mom will be fine" I assured her so she would calm down.
"Why were you hitting eomma, I thought you love each-other" Jang-mi sniffed and I gently sit her down on a chair.
Is that what Irene told her? Unbelievable.

"Well, sweetheart, that's more of a one sided thing" I told her but she gave me the cutest confused look which made me chuckle. "It's okay, you'll understand when you're older" I pat her head as she pouted.

I can't lie that her and jisoo may look similar, that's why it was Irene. Her looks resembled Jisoo's in a way, I couldn't resist her when I first saw her. I guess that's a good thing, people would be less suspicious if the child didn't look like Jisoo. The only thing missing are her heart shaped lips I love so much.

"Jang-Mi... there's someone I'd like you to meet" I said nervously and she nodded as I grabbed her hand and led her to Jisoo's hospital room where she was asleep.

"You see that women right there?" I asked her and she nodded
"The women who tried to attack my eomma" she frowned and I chuckled. "Jang-mi, Irene isn't your mother" I told her but she didn't seem to comprehend.

"Who's Irene?" she asked and I shook my head, forgetting she thinks her mom's name is actually 'eomma'.

"Jang-mi, this is your mother ok?", I pointed at Jisoo. "Huh? That's not eomma" she said blinking in confusion.

"No, Jung-mi, your mom was very sick for a long time and now she's finally all better! Irene was your fake mom, she took care of you when you real mom couldn't", I explained and she seemed to be taking everything in.

"Oh...so like a babysitter?", she said brightly and I nodded. I'm glad some of my smarts passed down to her but her gullibility will be a problem later, we'll have to work on that in the future, she's still young anyways.

"Yes exactly like that, you and mommy used to go on amazing adventures when you were just a tiny wheeny baby so you couldn't remember her much but now that she's here to take care of you, will you accept her?" I questioned her in a child like voice to make this all the more innocent. Plus, It makes me feel less guilty about lying to her, we can just call it twisting the truth, but not so much truth...

She took for a while and stared at Jisoo with a blank expression on her face before she broke out into a smile.

"Of course! But can I still have Irene as my second eomma? I like her a lot..." Jang-mi pouted and I nodded.

"Alright, big girl lets get you home shall we?" I smiled and picked her, putting her on my back as we jogged out of the hospital while she giggled.

I hope she really gets her memory back. I can't live without her, I won't.

 I can't live without her, I won't

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