Chapter 7

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Hadley opened her eyes to her hippo, named Propitious because she favored him out of a cat, dog, rat, panda, and a unicorn. She smiled and hugged the stuffed animal, the night before not yet processed in her mind.

She yawned and wondered why she was not in her pajamas, unless she was too tired to even do so, and stood, going to her closet to pick out casual clothing.

Then froze, noticing a shadow. Shadows don't normally affect her, but this just caught her attention. She moved closer to the wall, leaning in. Her eyes narrowed, making a few gestures, the shadow normally doing the same and she shrugged, taking it as a weird, morning interest.

Shadows, not the strangest thing to be interested in, like a nothingness to be seen on the ceiling.

She wondered, chestnut brown or steel gray until she saw that the shadow had its own eyes, white as snow.

She dropped the clothing choices and backed away, the shadow not going away as well.

She blinked a few times, trying to see if it was her imagination. But the shadow blinked as well.


Hadley gulped, weirded out and before she could investigate more, someone knocked on her door, which she saw a dresser in front of. Why?

"Come in." She said, after quickly moving the furniture and sat in her light golden armchair and saw Jeff.

"Hey, wanna spar?" Jeff asked boredly.

"Ehh, I dunno." Hadley answered, staring at the spot where the shadow disappeared. "I'm feeling lazy."

"Well, ya don't wanna get slightly chubby like Masky, right?" Jeff snickered, making Hadley cringe. "At least then you'll seem more like his favorite proxy."

Then, everything from last night, in Slender's office, finally processed and she darkened, grinding her teeth a bit. A bad habit, EJ had to play dentist when Smiley wasn't there.

"Ugh, don't mention my understanding, loving uncle." She growled, wanting a stress ball to squeeze. EJ had a few more of those, right?

"So, no spar." Jeff asked, rolling his eyes. "Then I came in here for nothing."

She scoffed, working her jaw a bit before his head popped back in. "Back so soo-"

"Oh, Offendy is heading here, I'd suggest the window if you don't want awkwardness." He said.

She rose a brow, then grinned. "Thanks Jeff, for once, your advice actually helps." She said, ignoring the offended gasp as she quickly jumped out the window, which was strangely open.

Didn't she close it angrily last night?


Hi, anyone know any good Offender fanfics? Either it be OC or x reader.

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