Chapter 11

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Her back ached as she awoke, a groan growing in her throat as she stared at her mess. She hated messes, but she felt too tired to clean.

Mouse, still on her dresser, watched her, tilting its head and twitched its nose.

"Aww, you're so cute." She cooed, gently taking it and ignoring the ache. She patted its head gently with her finger, smoothing the rest of its tiny body.

She put it down and stretched, regretting it. She might be part Slender, but she was mostly human -or at least close to human- so using her tendrils would be painful after.

Looking back at Mouse, she smiled again. She liked mice. And any other kind of cute animals. Jeff asked her once if she liked hairless cats, and she stared him right in the eye and said yes.

Hadley chuckled at the memory.

Looking back at the mess, her face darkened.

Must I act like a child? A child who Slender thinks doesn't need something they deserve? She thought to herself, arms trembling in anger or frustration. Maybe both.

I deserve to be a proxy. I worked long enough! My whole life's purpose have been to be one. Other than that, I'm worthle-

"Don't think like that, precious."

Her body froze, feeling a chilling sensation around her back and neck and arms. As if something was behind her, holding her. She couldn't move.

"One such as you can't be worthless." A coo in her ear. "Other than the disgusting blood that taints your veins, you're perfect."

Her breath pitched as the cold surrounded her chest, whatever it is was now embracing her, or she'd think so, as she's unknowing of who it is.

"Such purity, such beauty. An exact replica, if we take away the imperfection."

She cried out when pain filled her arms, as if sharp knives were digging lines in them.

"YoU'Re HuRtInG tHe BaBy." The distorted voice from yesterday hissed.

"Your presence is not needed, Maura." The unknown woman -it sounded like one- said.

"ShE cRiEs In PaIn. DoN't LiKe It. ExAcTly LiKe HeRs."

"M Maura is r right." Hadley gasped, wanting to collapse and forget it.

"SeE? sHe WoN't LiKe It, If ShE's BrOuGhT bRoKeN." Maura hissed.

The sensations left her, she let out a relieved sob, holding her arms, and a pain filled wall filled her room.

She covered her ears just as her door slammed open, a concerned crowd running in.

"What was that?" Slender demanded, tendrils out and ready to lash out at whoever the intruder was.

Toby and the other Proxies stood by, their own weapons out.

"I d don't know who it was." Hadley said shakily, staring at her arms, expecting cuts and slashes to appear. But her skin remained smooth.

"Voices, I heard v voices, near me and th this pain in m my arms- my body feeling l like freez- freezing water surrounding me." Hadley stammered, shivering when she recalled it.

Her vision began to blur and darken, someone was holding her.

She heard Sally's voice, panicking and worried.

"Calm down ---- some water, get ---- Hadley--." She couldn't figure out if the words were by one or combined, spoken too fast. It was too much.

It would seem better to just sleep.


What's happening?? Can anyone guess?

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What are they talking about?
Is Maura good or bad?
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