Day 6 | Meet the Author: Ava Larksen

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I love to write dark urban fantasy romances - whip-smart girls and guys who are in no way precious li'l cinnamon rolls. I also love coffee - a lot. Travelling, disappearing into gaming - (Final Fantasy, anyone?), reading - fantasy, romance, science fiction - bingeing my favourite shows, and catching up with my BFF's scattered around the world...and did I mention coffee? Raised on the coast, I remain by the seaside in a little cottage with my family, cat, wild rabbits, and chickens who refuse to believe they don't live in the house.

BOUND Little Bird was a Wattpad Pick for 2018 Up and Coming + Wattys 2018 Longlisted.

A Word of Warning

BOUND (Little Bird #1) is the SHADOWS of a DARK ROMANCE. This means while this is a fiery love story between two people who serve darkness, there is also lightness and sweetness between two people who are made from one another, for one another. It's just going to take a while for Nelle and Graysen to figure that out.

Graysen Crowther isn't a fairy tale prince. This isn't a tale of a good guy out to save the world. Graysen and Nelle are bound to a darker world that has hidden in the shadows of society for over a millennia. And it could take a while to tear down the wall of ice surrounding Graysen's cold black heart.

This story is for those of us who adore antiheroes with redeemable qualities and girls who could literally burn the world down over a slight.

For those of us who adore jerks with a cocky smirk and whip-smart girls who aren't wallflowers.

For those of us who know even in the shadows love exists.

Are you ready to fall in love with Graysen Crowther?

He could break your heart.

If you're sure...

Then, welcome to the world of BOUND.

You've been warned ;-D

Ava x 

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