Your brother is in the gang

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Your brother is in the gang

Ace: your brother is billy

->Billy hates the fact that Ace is your boyfriend because he knows that Ace is a player and an asshole. He knows that Ace broke a lot of girl's heart and he doesn't want you to be his next victim. He really cares for you so he really doesn't want to see you cry over Ace. With time, only with a lot of time he will begin to accept the fact that you're dating Ace but he will always keep an eye on him, just to make sure he is being nice to you and that he is not hurting you.

Eyeball: your brother is Ace

->Ace doesn't hate the fact that you're dating eyeball because he is his best friends but he doesn't like it also. Ace makes sure that eyeball treats you the way you deserve to be treated. The day you and eyeball announced to your older brother that you were dating, he gave a speech to eyeball on how he would kill him if was hurting you.

Billy: your brother is Charlie

->Charlie don't really care about who your dating so he is okay with it. Or course he is a bit happier and relieved that you're dating someone that is actually close to him

Charlie: your brother is eyeball

->Eyeball was extremely mad when he learned that you were dating Charlie. He doesn't like the fact them you're dating a cobras aka a troublemaker. At first, he tried to make you break up with him but when he realized that you and Charlie were really in love, he stopped and finally let you date him. Therefore, he always makes sure that charlie treats you nicely all the time because if he doesn't, eyeball would probably destroy him, literally.

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