Chapter One

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Stained Red Chapter One

Natalie ran a hand through her long brown hair and sighed as she sat at the kitchen table. She was looking over the divorce papers she had just gotten in the mail from her husband, or well soon to be ex-husband Isaac. She hadn't wanted their marriage to come to this but she could understand why it was. It wasn't like he had really even loved her when they got married ten years ago.

Standing from the table she picked up the papers and headed into the home office, putting them on the desk. She would make a mental note to sign them and take them to his lawyer's office herself. She wouldn't contest what he wanted. She had never fought him on any decision he had ever made in their marriage.

As soon as she had laid the papers down she smiled hearing the cry coming from upstairs and she checked her watch. Ten-thirty in the morning. Audrey was on time as usual with her morning routine of waking up.

"Mama is coming," Natalie muttered to herself as she left the office and walked a ways before reaching the stairs. Taking them two at a time she was glad when she made it upstairs in record time. If there was one thing Natalie hated it was leaving a crying child waiting. She had sometimes been called too motherly by Isaac before and she had always laughed, but, in a way, she knew he was right. She was a mother hen.

Walking down the hall to Audrey's nursery she went inside and walked to the crib. Looking down at her crying child she picked her up and kissed her cheek, "Hello my sweet pea," she said as she held Audrey on her hip. Audrey was only four months but she already had Natalie wrapped around her tiny fingers.

Making a face as soon as she had Audrey in her arms, Natalie knew she would have to change her daughter, "I think you left mommy a present huh?" she asked carrying Audrey over to the changing table and laying her down.

Bending down she grabbed a clean diaper and then stood back up. Smiling as she looked down at Audrey she felt her heart warm as Audrey smiled up at her too. Audrey was the spitting image of her.

"You little stinker bug," Natalie laughed as she changed Audrey's diaper quickly and then threw the dirty one away. Once she was done she picked Audrey up again and left the room almost colliding into a running child.

Stopping she just shook her head seeing a blonde head going down the stairs, "No running in the house Henry," Natalie stated as she walked down the stairs. She was trying to be stern but she could never be stern with any of her children.

"But I want to hurry and get to grandma's so I can see Theo again," Henry who was four smiled up at his mommy once he made it downstairs.

Natalie shook her head, "I'm sure Theo will be just as thrilled to see you as well," she mused as she thought of her ten year old son. Theodore was the reason she had married Isaac. Isaac had decided to be honorable and he married her when she had been five months pregnant with Theodore.

Henry smiled at her words and went to the couch, "You said we could get him once Audrey was awake."

"I know what I said Henry," Natalie said as she smiled down at her son. He was the spitting image of Isaac, minus the blue eyes which he had inherited from Isaac's mother.

Bending down she held Audrey on her hip firmly and she picked up Henry's shoes. Holding them in her free hand she gave them to him and smiled when she watched him put them on. He was such a hoot at times to her. He out of all of her children had the most energy and it amused Natalie.

Going to where Audrey's baby carrier was she picked it up and took it the couch where she put Audrey in and made sure that Audrey was in good. She was always cautious on making sure there was no possible way her children would get hurt. She was over-protective to a fault. Probably because all of the mistakes she had made in her life. She didn't want her children to make them and she thought that being over-protective would stop it.

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