Chapter Ten

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Stained Red Chapter Ten

Natalie chewed her lip nervously as she sat on her front porch a few weeks later. In her hand she held the envelope that contained the results of the paternity test that she and Isaac had, had done the day after he had confessed Nikki's threats to her. They had been as sneaky as they could about it. He had stolen a lock of Taylor's hair from a hairbrush and she had done the same with Theo's own hair.

They had decided with Isaac and Taylor's DNA samples being used if neither came back as the father then it would be easy to know it was Zac's, he was after all the last possibility of being the father. She knew she should call Isaac up and tell him so they could read the results together but a part of her wanted to know now. Wanted to know so she could brace Isaac if it wasn't good news for him.

Nodding her head she opened the envelope and pulled out the piece of paper, unfolding it with shaky hands. After it was unfolded she felt her heartbeat pick up as she read over the results, her heart dropping into her stomach some when she saw that her husband wasn't the father of Theo. She hadn't realized until that moment that she had been hoping he was. Hoping that he had fathered the son he came to love as his own.

Swallowing a lump she continued reading the rest of the results a faint nausea's feeling building when she saw that Taylor had 99.9% certainty of being Theodore's father. Taylor was the father of her oldest son. She and Taylor had created a baby together out of one stupid night. A stupid mistake that had given her a baby.

"Damn it," Natalie cursed under her breath as she stood up from the porch and made her way inside. Diana had all three kids this weekend so it was just her here but now she wasn't sure if she wanted to be alone, not after knowing a truth that would change everything she had held dear for the last ten almost eleven years.

Laying the results down on the coffee table in front of the couch Natalie paced back and forth a few times before deciding that she needed to get out of the house. She was going to go to Diana's and see her children. They could lift her spirits right now as she worried just what would happen when she went through with her deal with Isaac of telling the truth. Telling Taylor that he had a son. That they had a son.

Going to the coat rack she slipped her jacket on before grabbing her purse and leaving the house, heading towards the van which she soon got into and started up, beginning the familiar drive to Diana's house. When she got there she parked the car and got out quickly, going to the door where she knocked.

When it opened she saw the confusion on Diana's face. "I..I just wanted to see the kids," Natalie stammered trying not to let it show that there was more to this visit. "I just got some news that was bad and I needed to see my kids."

Diana smiled at her daughter-in-law's words. "Come in," she said moving aside so Natalie could. When Natalie was in she shut the door behind her. "Zoe and Walker took Henry to the park but Audrey is in her playpen in the living room and Theo is off in the playroom playing with legos."

Natalie listened to Diana deciding to go see Theo. Since his day with Isaac he had cooled some towards her and was no longer treating her as if she were bad. Getting to the playroom though she stopped in her tracks when she saw Taylor sitting on the floor with Theo. She hadn't seen his car when she had pulled into the driveway though that didn't mean he hadn't parked in the garage. He was known to do that.

Chewing her lip again she couldn't help but smile as the two boys played with the legos. Taylor oblivious to the fact that he was bonding with his own ten year old son.

Taylor felt eyes on him and he looked away from the castle that Theo had talked him into building. "Natalie?" he asked seeing his nephew's mother standing in the doorway, still wearing her coat. "I thought you wouldn't come and get the kids until Sunday. I mean that's what mom said anyway."

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