Chapter Seventeen

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Stained Red Chapter Seventeen

Isaac woke up the next morning on the couch. He had decided it would be best to sleep here after what he had said to Natalie. He knew from the way she had left and went upstairs he had made her mad. He had ruined any peace they had, had between them the last few weeks by assuming and hoping she would abort the baby she was pregnant with.

Smelling food cooking in the kitchen he stood up and went into the kitchen seeing Natalie standing over the stove. "I didn't hear you come down," he spoke as he walked behind her slipping his arms around her waist. He was going to try to get in her good graces. It was the least he could do.

"You were sleeping pretty hard," Natalie spoke as her eyes closed when his arms went around her waist. "You were snoring and stuff. I figured you wouldn't hear me but the smell would wake you," she sighed knowing the smell of frying sausage was beginning to turn her stomach. "I have an early morning appointment after I drop the kids off. The doctor wants me to go have a check-up with an OBGYN and get on prenatals."

As she talked about her appointment Isaac moved away from her. Not because of the topic but because to him she still sounded so cold and distant. Obviously she was still pissed that he had mentioned an abortion. "Are you still mad at me?" he asked her raising an eyebrow. "I mean for suggesting an abortion."

Natalie turned to face Isaac and she sighed, "Why wouldn't I still be mad?" she asked him as she moved away from the stove when she finished the sausages. "I mean you mention abortion like it's nothing. Have you suggested Nikki abort her baby?" she asked as she went to the fridge and got a carton of eggs out.

Isaac shook his head no, "I'm not the only possible father Nat but if I was then you best believe I would be asking her to abort that baby. I don't want it that's for sure."

"But see that's the thing you aren't the father of this baby at all," Natalie spoke as she turned her back to Isaac again as she began to fix the eggs. "Yet here you are dropping the word around. Suggesting that you thought I would do that. It's a baby Isaac. A living baby no matter what some people would say. I can't kill a baby," she reasoned. "Not after miscarrying that baby before Henry," she sighed as she closed her eyes.

Isaac ran a hand down his face as he let Natalie rant. He knew it was best she get her feelings out now instead of holding them in, using them against him later. "You're right it isn't my baby," he nodded as he walked to the coffee pot. Plugging it in he prepared it as he too kept his back towards her. "It isn't my baby and that kills me Natalie. Now you have one more tie to Taylor. Another reason for him to step his foot into our marriage."

Natalie laughed after Isaac finished talking, "He hasn't even been around since I turned him down. Hell he hasn't even decided he wants to tell Theo that he is his father," she muttered. "Maybe he has realized that I made my choice and it's not going to change no matter whose babies I have."

"Or he is just thinking of another way to get you to see things," Isaac shrugged after he finished making the coffee. "I know how Taylor is. He doesn't give up so easy."

Shaking her head Natalie fixed the eggs then she turned to face Isaac, "Whatever. I don't have time for this argument. I have to get the kids up and ready as well as getting ready myself," she muttered before turning and leaving the kitchen in a hurry. Right now her main priority was to get herself and the kids out the door.

Watching Natalie leave the kitchen Isaac rolled his eyes before fixing himself a cup of coffee. The rest of the morning after their argument seemed to go by strained. During breakfast Natalie barely said two words to him and he found himself not wanting to say much to her either. In fact most of his conversation had came from Theodore who kept going on about some Science project and how he was nervous because he had gotten paired with the new girl who he thought was pretty.

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