Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Stained Red Chapter Twenty-Eight

Isaac looked over at Theo as he drove down the interstate. He had been driving since this morning and it was now night time. He was half surprised his son was still awake and not sleeping like the other two kids were. "You should be asleep buddy," he spoke as he nodded his head and looked back at the road.

Theodore just made a face at his dad's words, "I'm not tired," he replied back his voice coming out harsh.

"Maybe not but sleep would help. I mean you're going to have to help me with Henry and Audrey tomorrow," Isaac spoke unsure if he could handle all three kids on his own, especially the younger two. "You now how much Henry hates new places and has a hard time sleeping in a new bed," Isaac smiled remembering all the times Natalie would bring the kids on the road. Henry had never slept well in hotel beds. "And Audrey has never been away from your mom for this long."

"She wouldn't have to be away from mom," Theodore mused as he looked out the window. "You and mom would still be together if you hadn't left us like you did," he whispered though his voice was still loud enough for his dad to hear.

Isaac frowned at Theo's words, "Is that what you think Theo?" he asked knowing that it was far from the truth. Nothing would have been able to save his and Natalie's marriage and now that he knew she wasn't in love with him nor him in love with her it was making things easier for him.

Theodore nodded as he looked back at his dad, "It's what I know," he said trying to keep a mask on and not show how vulnerable he was. "You ruined things daddy," he said unable to stop the crack in his voice. "You left us and I don't understand why and it hurt."

"I had to leave Theo," Isaac sighed wishing that right now he could reach over and hug his son. "Your mom and I just weren't getting along and if I had stayed it would have just made things worse. I needed me time far away and I know it was selfish of me to go off and leave you kids behind but I'm here now and I'm going to make up for that," he nodded knowing he'd try his best. "As for my leaving being the reason your mom and I aren't together, that has nothing to do with it."

"Yeah well maybe your trying is too late," Theo told his dad as his voice cracked again and he felt a tear go down his cheek. "I just want to go back home to mommy. At least she loves me enough to stay even when things are rough."

Frowning again Isaac couldn't deny that he was hurt at his son's words even if he understood them. Leaving had been a mistake even if he had needed that time away and he knew once he took the kids back to Tulsa that he'd be going back for good then too. He couldn't take missing more of their lives or having Theo even more angry at him then he was right now.

"I love you too," Isaac spoke hoping that his son knew he was honest. "I have never stopped and will never stop loving you no matter what," he said as he again looked at the child beside him. "That goes for all of you children."

After his dad spoke again Theodore just remained silent. He just wanted to ignore the man and be angry because at least being angry made sense, unlike his daddy leaving or being gone for three months.

At Theodore's silence Isaac heaved a sighed but looked back out at the road before reaching out and turning the radio up some. That was how he finished the drive to his apartment. In a tense silence with his ten year old son who was becoming way more jaded and angry. More so than any ten year old should be. Maybe neither he nor Natalie were the best parents around but right now in this moment he knew they would both have to be better. They'd work on that once he came back to Tulsa and they began co-parenting in the same state.

When Isaac finally made it home he pulled into the parking space and as he unbuckled he smiled as he saw that Theodore was asleep in the passenger seat now. Getting out he went to the back and got Audrey out first. Carrying her inside still in her car seat he took her to the room that would be hers and laid her in bed before going and doing the same for his boys.

It was after he had all of his children in bed that he too went to his bedroom and shut the door some, leaving a tiny crack so he could hear the kids if they woke during the night. Stripping down to his boxers he climbed into bed and sighed. Today had been exhausting in more ways than one and he could only hope that tomorrow was better.


"Daddy!" a voice called from down the hall and Isaac sat up in bed with a jolt. As he did he squinted as the sunlight came into his room and he turned to look at the clock seeing it was a little after seven in the morning. "Daddy!" the voice called again and this time after it he could hear familiar sounds of a baby crying. This was a brilliant wake up call on his first day with all three children.

Getting out of bed Isaac left his room and headed to Audrey's room deciding that the crying child would come before the yelling one. Opening her room he smiled as he looked down at her and picked her up, "How is my pumpkin doing?" he asked as he kissed her head. It was hard to believe she was eight months old now and that soon she'd be a year.

Hearing Audrey just babble before sticking her hand in her mouth Isaac smiled and left the room glad that she had stopped crying. When he made it to the room his sons were sharing he took a deep breath and opened the door seeing Henry standing in the floor and pouting as Theodore took the sheets off the bed that had been Henry's.

"What happened?" he asked as he looked at both his boys. "I heard Henry crying and tried to come as fast as I could but I had to get Audrey first."

"Henry had an accident," Theo answered as he looked up at his dad. "You asked me to help so I am. I am taking the sheets off of his bed."

Isaac smiled some at Theo's last words before bending down to Henry's level and tightening his grip on Audrey, "I'm sorry you had an accident," he said knowing Henry was doing better about not having them though he guessed being in a new place had messed that up. "You go to the bathroom and get a bath and after you get out you can help me make breakfast. That sound fun little man?"

Henry stopped pouting and smiled some as he looked at his daddy, "What are we having for breakfast?" he asked curiously though he did want to help.

"Pancakes," Isaac smiled as he watched Theo come back in the room. "Do pancakes sound nice?"

Nodding Henry smiled more, "I like pancakes," he giggled before leaving the room in a hurry.

Isaac laughed and stood up, "Can you help your brother in the bath tub?" he asked Theo who had crossed his arms and was now giving him a glare. He may have taken Isaac's advice with helping but it seemed he still wanted to be mad. "I need to get Audrey a bottle as well as getting the stuff ready for breakfast."

"I guess I can," Theo answered before leaving the room again and heading towards the bathroom.

After Theo left Isaac took a deep breath again, "I can do this," he told himself before leaving the room and heading down the hall towards the kitchen. Once there he put Audrey in her high chair and he made her bottle as quickly as possible. It was after he had laid her bottle down on the tray that he heard a knock at the door and he raised an eyebrow.

He wasn't expecting visitors and whoever it was seemed to have horrible timing since he was about to get the stuff out for the pancakes. Biting his lip to keep from cursing Isaac left the kitchen and went to answer the door. When it was open he just stood there as he watched Shepherd and Junia run past him and he looked up at Kate afterwards feeling lost for words.

"Natalie called last night and told me you were on your way here with the kids," Kate explained as she gave Isaac a smile before crossing her arms. "I figured you may need some help. I mean no offense but I know how Zac was every time he was left alone with two kids and you have three."

"Are you saying all fathers are bad at being left alone with their kids?" Isaac asked as he moved aside so Kate could come inside.

Kate shook her head, "Not all dad's," she said as she smiled more. "Just Hanson men."

Mocking hurt Isaac shut the door and sighed, "To be honest I am glad you are here. While Theo has been helpful I could use another adult hand."

"Is Theo mad at you?" Kate asked knowing Natalie had mentioned he seemed mad. "Just Natalie..she mentioned that too."

"Does Natalie tell you everything?" Isaac asked as he walked into the kitchen, hearing Kate following behind him.

Kate shook her head again, "No. If it's not her or it's your mom," she teased as she walked behind Isaac. Making it to the kitchen she smiled seeing that Shepherd and Junia had seemingly made their selves at home in his kitchen. Shepherd was sitting at the table where a container of salt had been turned over and Junia was trying to make Audrey laugh by making faces.

"I think my kids are at home here," Kate muttered as she turned to look at Isaac.

Isaac nodded his head as he agreed with her, "Is that a good thing or a bad thing though?"

Kate didn't even have to think of her answer, "It's good," she said knowing it was good. And she'd never admit it but she kind of felt at home with Isaac and her kids and his kids. It was a weird thing.

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