Chapter Four

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Stained Red Chapter Four

Isaac sat at the bar and downed his fourth drink. He had came here two hours ago. It was the only place he knew to come after his confrontation with Natalie. It was the only place he knew he would feel better. Isaac knew if anything, that the alcohol could make him forget temporarily. It was always good for that. Isaac knew he was an alcoholic, or at least he became one when he couldn't deal with his emotional shit anyway.

"You okay good looking?" a female voice spoke from beside Isaac and he turned his head to see a striking brunette. She was almost like one of the models you would see in a fashion magazine. He was captivated by her beauty or maybe that was just the alcohol in his system speaking for him.

"I'm just trying to forget," Isaac shrugged as he took a long drink. "Is it that obvious that something is bothering me?" he asked as he locked eyes with the brunette. She had the best set of blue eyes that he had ever seen before. They were almost sort of like Henry's, but deeper and lighter.

The brunette woman laughed some at Isaac's words, "Sort of," she nodded. "The way you are glaring at your drink just makes it known that something is wrong. I mean I guess the glass could have offended you but I just think it's something else."

Isaac couldn't help but laugh at her words, "It's not the glasses fault," he said as he shook his head. "More like my ex-wife," he sighed. When he was drunk he had the ability to spill way too much to strangers. It was one thing Natalie had always hated, hell when he was sober, he hated it too.

"How is it your ex-wife's fault?" the brunette asked as she picked up the beer bottle in front of her and took a drink. "I mean if you don't mind me asking," she said as she scrunched up her face.

When the woman scrunched up her face, Isaac couldn't help but think of Natalie. Natalie did that from time to time. It was one of the things he had always found cute about her. He hated to admit now that he found anything cute about her, not when he was pissed off at her.

"She lied to me for all of the ten years that we were married," Isaac answered as he looked down at the glass which contained just one more gulp of his drink. "She lied to me about whether I was the father of our ten year old son," he frowned as he thought of Theodore. He had grown to love Theodore as if he was his own and now to know he might not be, that devastated him more than words could explain. He almost wished now that he had never asked Natalie for the truth.

The brunette scrunched up her face some more before frowning, "I'm sorry," she said as she reached over and rested her hand on Isaac's hand. "So, I take it your son isn't your son?"

Isaac looked over at his hand when he felt the woman touch it. He wasn't used to strangers, especially women showing him such gratitude. It was no secret that out of his brother's he wasn't the one most women flocked too. He was the one who was known as the ugly duckling. Sometimes he resented his brothers for that but right now, right now he was appreciating the affection he was being shown. Especially since the last time a woman had shown him any affection had been at least two months ago, with Natalie.

Damn it, why did everything have to come back to Natalie in the end? Why did his whole life seem to revolve around her? "We don't know if he is my son or not," Isaac said as he moved his hand away from the brunette's touch and he finished off his drink. "She isn't sure if I'm the father or if it's one of my brothers."

"Your brothers?" the woman asked, shock apparent in her voice. "Your wife slept with your brothers?"

Isaac nodded almost wanting to laugh at the woman's shock, "Before we even married," he said as he decided not to order a fifth drink. "She had a one night stand with Taylor and after that well she had a month long relationship with Zac. Right after her thing with Zac ended, she decided she also needed to bed me," he muttered knowing that Natalie sounded like a slut, hell he was kind of thinking she was one too now. "After she was with me I never saw her again until four months later. She was at our parents house where she announced she was pregnant. I of course thought it was mine and she never told me any different, never told me that it could also be one of my brother's. Hell I never suspected it either until Theodore grew up," he said revealing his son's name. "Until Theodore never resembled me, not like our other son does."

The woman just sighed as she took a long swig from her beer bottle, "It seems like you need to get your troubles off your mind," she said plastering a smile on her face. "I think I know just the cure," she smirked as she let her hand go down and rest on his thigh.

"And just what do you have in mind as the cure?" Isaac asked after feeling her hand on his thigh. He was sure he knew but he didn't want to say it out loud. He liked this little game she seemed to be playing right now.

"Oh, I think you know the cure," the woman purred as she let her hand go higher up on his thigh. "I think you need a night of passion with someone who can make you feel good."

When the woman's hands went higher up on his thigh, Isaac felt himself start to get hard, a small moan coming out at her words. Hell it wasn't that Natalie couldn't make him feel good, she had always been good at that, remarkably so, but it had been ten years since he had been with someone else. He was ready to try new women now. He would be a free man soon enough, once Natalie signed the divorce papers and they waited a year.

Isaac sighed, "I don't know your name," he whispered knowing that if he were to give in to what she wanted, he at least wanted to know her name, even if he wouldn't remember it in the morning.

"My name is Nikki," Nikki smiled as she told him her name. Her hand slowly went even higher up his thigh, until she reached his crotch and she let it brush over it effortlessly.

When he heard the woman's name, Isaac wasn't exactly sure why, but it seemed familiar, like he should have remembered it from somewhere but right now with the alcohol in his system and her hand brushing across his now hard and aching member, he really couldn't remember much of anything.

"We should call a cab," Isaac finally breathed out as he reached down and moved her hand from his legs. After doing so he got his cell phone out of the pocket of his pants and he dialed a number he knew well. It was his best friend whenever he was drunk.

Nikki just nodded and stayed silent as Isaac dialed the number and soon started talking into the phone.

Hanging up once he was done talking, Isaac looked over at Nikki, "The cab should be here in ten minutes," he said as he slipped his cell phone into his pocket. Standing from the bar stool he held his hand out for Nikki to take and when she took it he smirked as he lead her out of the bar. He didn't care that most people could probably see the bulge in his pants.

Nikki held Isaac's hand as she walked with him outside, "It's chilly," she laughed as she shivered some and moved even closer to him.

"Here," Isaac smiled as he took off the suit jacket he had on and soon slipped it over her shoulders. "That should keep you warm until later," he winked as he heard the sound of a car stopping. Turning his head he saw the cab and he took Nikki's hand again as he walked her to the cab. Once they had reached it he opened the door and let her get in first before sliding in after her.

When Isaac was in the cab and the door was shut he rattled off his destination to the driver and then turned to look at Nikki, "I hope you don't mind that I am staying at a hotel," he said as he locked eyes with her again. He could swear her blue eyes sparkled even more in the dark than they did in the light.

Nikki just smiled as she leaned closer to Isaac, "I don't mind," she whispered before letting her lips go to his in a heated kiss.

Isaac just smirked and kissed Nikki back. As he kissed her he moved closer and let his hand go to rest on her cheek. He hadn't been with someone who wasn't Natalie in ten years. He wasn't sure if he would even be any good.

"We're here," the cab driver spoke up which caused Isaac to pull away from the kiss. Paying the driver he then opened the door and got out, waiting on Nikki who soon followed him. Once she was out he pulled her closer and the whole way to the elevators they were kissing and walking. He was sure they were getting looks from strangers but he didn't care. All he cared about was getting his needs taken care of by this beautiful woman he was with.

Nikki pulled away from one of the many kisses she and Isaac were sharing, "You know, I never did catch your name," she smirked as she reached over and hit the button for the elevators.

"My name is Isaac," Isaac laughed as he heard the elevators open and he stepped in, seeing Nikki follow him. As the doors shut he hit the number for his floor and pulled Nikki into another kiss. This night was going to end good at least, of that Isaac was sure.

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