Chapter Five

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Stained Red Chapter Five

Natalie sat down at the breakfast table the next morning and looked at Theodore as his gaze avoided her. She knew he was still mad at her for last night and making Isaac mad. She hated that her son was mad at her but she hoped it passed quickly. It needed to pass quickly.

"Mommy," Henry spoke up.

"Yes Henry?" Natalie asked as she turned her head and looked at her youngest son.

Henry took a bit of his cereal and kept his eyes on his mommy, "Is Theo mad?" he asked curiously as he raised an eyebrow.

Natalie sighed at her son's question. Henry had always been so perceptive for someone so young. "He is mad," Natalie confirmed as she looked back at Theodore and saw him looking at her and glaring. "But I'm sure that after school today he will be fine," she smiled hoping she was right.

Theo rolled his eyes and finished his breakfast, standing from the table, "I want to go see Daddy after school."

Hearing Theodore's words, Natalie bit her tongue. She wasn't sure if she was up for calling Isaac and asking if he could spend a few hours with Theodore after school today. "It's a Monday Theo. You know you can't see Daddy today," she said shaking her head.

"Why can't I?" Theo asked as he stared at his mother and crossed his arms. "I want to see daddy."

Natalie rolled her eyes this time, "Because, you know when daddy left we decided I would get you on school days and if your daddy wanted he could see you guys on the weekend."

Shaking his head, Theo glared at his mom more, "No, you just don't want to see daddy again after making him mad," he spat as he uncrossed his arms. "I really do hate you," he said again before stomping out of the room.

Natalie sighed and ran a hand through her hair. She had just made things worse with Theodore. Sometimes she really hated herself and this was one of those times. Finishing up her breakfast, she soon stood from the table and took the dirty dishes to the sink.

"Mommy," Henry said as he finished his food and took the bowl with him as he stood from the table. "I love you," he said walking over to where his mommy was at the sink, extending his bowl out for her to take.

Natalie turned to look down at Henry. Taking his bowl she winked at him, "And I love you too, now go upstairs and get ready for pre-school," she said as she turned her attention the dirty dishes, hearing Henry's pitter patter as he ran out of the kitchen.

Washing the dishes quickly she finished them and put them in the drainer, wiping her hands off on a dish towel before turning and leaving the kitchen. She had to get upstairs and change out of her night gown as well as get Audrey ready. She was the one who always took the kids to school.

Making it upstairs she headed to her room, going past Theo and Henry's room. When she heard Theo talking about how mad Isaac had been when he left last night she peeked her head in the room, "Theodore Isaac Hanson," she said using his full name. "Drop the issue of last night and get ready for school," she said seeing he hadn't changed yet.

Theodore just rolled his eyes and Natalie shook her head before finally walking past the boys room and heading to her own where she changed. Once she was ready she walked out of her room and across the hall to the nursery where she heard Audrey cooing already. Smiling to herself she walked over to the crib and looked down.

Audrey was wide away, her brown eyes staring up at Natalie, "Aren't you just a precious little girl," she said as she bent down and picked Audrey up. "A precious girl who needs a changing," Natalie laughed as she carried her to the changing table.

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