Chapter Nine

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Stained Red Chapter Nine

Natalie who had just got the kids to bed after dinner finally made it to her room, shutting the door enough so that she could still hear if Audrey woke up during the night. Going to her closet she found her night-gown taking it out and laying it on the bed before stripping out of her clothes she had worn that day.

Grabbing the night gown she lifted it over her head and put it on, fixing the wrinkles that had appeared in it. Looking at the clothes she had just gotten out of she decided to just leave them on the floor until the morning. She could put them in the hamper before waking Theo and Henry up for school.

"Finally I can read," Natalie whispered out loud as she reached for the book that she kept on her nightstand as she effortlessly climbed into bed. Opening the book to where she had stopped a few nights before she started to reading, finding herself inwardly groaning as she heard a knock on the door downstairs.

Natalie looked at the clock raising an eyebrow. She couldn't help but wonder who would be coming by at eleven at night. Most people she knew, knew not to come by then because she would have just gotten her kids asleep.

Shaking her head she put a bookmark in her book again before climbing out of bed, heading downstairs where she opened the door, surprised to have come face to face with Isaac.

"Sorry if I woke you," Isaac apologized as he looked down away from Natalie. "I...I went to the hotel but I couldn't sleep. I just have too much shit on my mind and I could use someone to vent too," he admitted sheepishly feeling his cheeks turn red. He may have been upset with some of Natalie's own lies but she was the only one he felt like he could turn too with this whole Nikki thing.

"Come in," Natalie nodded as she moved aside so he could. Once he was in she shut the door behind him. "Do you want something to drink while we talk?" she asked before raising an eyebrow. The fact that he was here to talk surprised her, especially given their current state of relationship.

Isaac shook his head, "I'm fine," he assured her before taking off his suit coat, holding it over his arm as he walked to the couch where he laid it in the arm of the couch as he sat down. "If you want something to drink though you can get it. I can wait."

Natalie gave him a genuine smile as she nodded, "I think I will go get some water," she said taking the opportunity to leave the room for a bit. Her mouth was dry but really she just needed time to collect herself at the shock that Isaac had wanted to talk to her.

Going to the cabinets she got a glass down soon filling it with water before taking a long gulp. After she had swallowed she made her way back into the living room where she found Isaac still on the couch.

"So, what do you need to vent about?" Natalie asked before sitting down in the chair that was next to the couch. She wasn't sure if Isaac wanted her next to him. She also wasn't sure if she wanted to be next to him right now.

Isaac ran a hand through his hair at her question, "About how I fucked things up," he muttered shaking his head. All he could remember was Nikki's words in his head. Her threats of telling Taylor about Theodore if he mentioned their one night stand. The same threats of telling Zac and Kate. It was at those thoughts that Isaac began to second guessing telling Natalie about all this. It wasn't just Isaac whom she was threatening to hurt, no she was also threatening Natalie too.

Natalie gave Isaac a confused look, "You fucked things up?"

"I slept with someone else," Isaac blurted out just deciding to be blunt with it. "After we had our argument about Theodore I went and got drunk. I had some random one night stand with some woman who was a stranger, should have been a stranger," he muttered the last part feeling guilty that he had let this happen.

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