Chapter Twenty-Four

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Stained Red Chapter Twenty-Four

Natalie ran a hand through her hair as she looked at the mess in her kitchen. It had been a week since her talk with Isaac and since then well she had been doing what she did best when stressed out. She had been cooking. Cooking and making a mess of things. Today's menu consisted of an apple pie. An apple pie she'd probably just pawn off on Diana who she had been pawning everything else off on even though Diana was still pissed at her.

A part of Natalie hoped though that the food pawning was warming Diana back over to her good side. At least it seemed to be making them speak again anyway though Natalie guessed they had to speak since she'd also been letting Diana have the kids almost daily since her phone call with Isaac. She just hadn't felt up to telling them especially Theo the bad news. He had barely handled it well the first time.

Hearing a knock at her door Natalie groaned loudly but left the kitchen heading to the door. Opening it she raised an eyebrow when she saw Zac staring at her as he stood on her porch his signature crooked smile plastered on his lips. A smile that she had to admit still affected her slightly though she'd never admit that to anyone.

"What are you doing here Zac?" Natalie asked as she moved away so he could come inside. Once he was inside she shut the door behind him.

Zac shrugged as he ran a hand through his hair, "Figured I'd save you the trip of giving mom the food you fixed today. She just gives it to me anyway which by the way my stomach thanks you. If it wasn't for you and mom I'd starve."

"Your mom's been giving you the food I make?" Natalie asked as she lead the way to her kitchen.

Zac nodded though Natalie's back was to him, "Yeah but before this week it was all her food," he said as he chewed on his lip. "Without Kate I'm kind of a useless cook who can only fixed boxed meals. Even then I'm prone to burning those somehow," he sighed before laughing. The cooking genes had skipped him altogether and landed squarely on Taylor and his sister Avery.

Laughing at Zac's words Natalie shook her head, "Well today I made a pie. Apple to be exact. I'm not sure my pies are the best nor if you can eat pie for dinner but at least it can fill you up."

"Your pies are great," Zac muttered without really thinking which caused him to blush some. "And I've been known to eat pie morning,noon and night."

Natalie stopped in her tracks once she made it to the kitchen, "Since when have you ate one of my pies?" she asked knowing she hadn't ever made one for the Hanson family before. She had only ever made them for Isaac and it was usually pumpkin because he said she could make those the best.

Blushing more Zac looked down, "I kind of sort of didn't mean an actual pie," he confessed as he kept staring at his blue chucks as if they were the best thing on the planet. Right now he wanted to crawl into a hole and hide. He hadn't meant to let his mind go there but it had been too long for him. Too long and he had been used to getting sex every night when Kate was there because despite the fact that she sometimes liked to dress like a woman who was a prude or conservatively she gave it up every night for him.

"Oh," Natalie blushed at his words and she leaned against the counter to balance herself. "It's been awhile since you had that kind of pie from me." she blushed more as she looked away. The last time he had been down on her had been when they were teens. For a teen he had been really good with his tongue which had surprised her but Zac had been a quick learner. All it had taken was a couple of porno watches and he had been able to go down on her better than Isaac ever had and Taylor too.

"Doesn't mean I don't still remember how you taste," Zac spoke as he looked up at Natalie. "Or the way your face scrunched up when you came because of me."

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