Chapter Eighteen

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Stained Red Chapter Eighteen

Moving away from Zac eventually when Audrey got fussy Natalie stood up, holding Audrey firm on her hip as she bent down to pick up the bag with her prenatal vitamins in them. "You can come inside if you want," she spoke not sure if Zac would. "If you do can you grab Audrey's baby carrier for me? If not I will come get it after I get her settled. It's just it's time to feed her," she sighed knowing from the aching in her breast that it was time to feed Audrey.

Nodding Zac stood up and picked the baby carrier up before following Natalie inside. He felt bad for intruding on her like this but he just didn't want to be alone right now after finding out that Kate was planning on ending their marriage.

Natalie who heard the door shut behind her turned to see that Zac had indeed came in. Smiling sadly she walked into the kitchen where she laid the bag down before walking to the table. Adjusting Audrey in her arms she pulled her shirt up and undid her nursing bra smiling as Audrey latched on not long after.

"Sorry you have to see this," Natalie spoke as she heard Zac's foot steps coming into the kitchen. She did feel bad for having to nurse in front of him. Heck she sometimes hated nursing in front of Isaac even though he had seen it numerous time with all three of their children.

Zac shook his head, "It's okay," he said as he walked to the table. Picking up the bag Natalie had laid their he read the paper on the front his eyes nearly popping open. "You're pregnant?" he asked feeling a bit guilty now for being so nosy.

Natalie laughed as she nodded her head, "I am pregnant," she confirmed. "Three weeks and four days as of today," she smiled some. She knew right now it seemed like this baby was causing problems but she hoped eventually that would change. That eventually things would fix themselves like they had with Theo's paternity.

"But that means..." Zac started as he trailed off. He wasn't stupid he could do the math and he knew that mean the baby was Taylor's. She was carrying Taylor's baby again.

Natalie nodded again confirming something for Zac. "The baby is Taylor's," she stated out loud as she frowned at the words. "Before you ask Isaac does know," she said just expecting Zac to ask. He was that nosy.

"And he is okay with it?" Zac asked before walking to the table and sitting down across from Natalie.

Natalie shook her head no, "He assumed I would get an abortion," she confessed before biting her lip. "We argued this morning and it seems we just disagree on what I should do. He seems to want me to consider an abortion and I can't do that," she sighed feeling tears come to her eyes. "I can't kill my baby regardless of who the father is."

Frowning as Natalie spoke it was then he felt bad for burdening Natalie with his own troubles when it seemed that she had her own. She had her own to deal with and she didn't need his. "I'm sorry," he spoke knowing his words wouldn't help her much. How could they help her? No I'm sorry could fix this situation when it seemed that she and Isaac were just going to disagree over this situation.

" you think he will come around?" Zac asked as he raised an eyebrow. He knew Isaac could be stubborn but in a way a part of him could see where he was coming from. He wasn't sure what he would do if this had been Kate in Natalie's situation especially given that Natalie now also had another child by Taylor.

Zac knew that Isaac had to have been freaking out. If he was already worried about Taylor's feelings for Natalie and Taylor being Theo's father now he had another baby fathered by Taylor thrown into the mix.

Shaking her head no Natalie frowned, "You know he is a stubborn asshole," she sighed. Isaac being stubborn used to be a trait she had liked about him but now it just seemed like a trait she hated. "He won't come around."

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