Chapter Twenty-Six

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Stained Red Chapter Twenty-Six

Isaac ran a hand through his hair as he sat in the hospital in Tulsa. He had been here now for an hour and he wasn't even sure why but he had came running back home when his mother told him about Taylor's car accident. Apparently it was minor but he had been asking to see Isaac and now here he sat waiting on word that he could be allowed back to see his brother.

Seeing his mother and a doctor heading his way he stood up walking to meet them half way. It was when he got to his mom that Isaac stopped when she pulled him into a hug and he hugged her back. He knew she was a wreck even though she had said in their phone call that Taylor had been alright just a few minor injuries but that they wanted to keep him overnight.

"He's fine," Diana told her oldest son as she pulled away from the hug watching as the doctor left them alone. "He was just high. Apparently he's doing cocaine again."

Hearing his mom tell him the last thing he swallowed hard as he shook his head. Taylor had been clean for years now. Ever since he had made Isaac late for Theo's birth. That had been his wake up call that he needed help. That and him actually holding the baby he thought was his nephew in his arms. Isaac had hoped he would always stay clean but he knew addiction was hard and he knew Taylor let things get to him. He guessed it was a time bomb just waiting to happen.

"Can I see him?" Isaac asked as he raised an eyebrow. "I mean you said he was asking for me and that's one of the reasons I came back here to Tulsa for the time being," he said knowing he wasn't sure if he'd stay or not. He was kind of adjusting to Alabama though if he did go back he at least wanted to talk to Natalie before he left. Figure out some sort of custody arrangement because he missed his children.

Diana nodded her head, "Yeah you can. He should be awake," she smiled as she turned to walk towards the waiting room. She'd go back to Taylor's room again once Isaac had left. She knew whatever Taylor wanted to tell Isaac wasn't her business. It was between her sons.

Isaac watched his move leave and he took a breath walking towards the room Taylor was in. Getting there he went inside and looked at his brother laying on the bed. Other than the black eye he had he looked okay.

"How did you get that from a car wreck?" Isaac asked as he laughed and walked to a chair in the room sitting down and eying his brother. He was still trying to grasp what had lead Taylor to using again.

Taylor laughed bitterly at Isaac's question, "I actually got this from our brother yesterday," he informed him the events still fresh in his mind. Finding out Natalie had been with Zac and him being rude towards her. He knew he had asked for the punch he had dared Zac to do it. He should have known Zac would.

"Zac did that to you?" Isaac asked his tone confused. He wasn't sure what in the hell would make Zac do that. Zac only ever hit someone when he was beyond pissed.

Nodding Taylor ran a hand through his hair, "That's why I wanted you here actually. Not to tell you Zac punched me but to tell you why he did it."

Raising an eyebrow Isaac leaned back in the chair and crossed his arms, "And why did he punch you?"

"Because I insulted Natalie," Taylor answered as he looked away from Isaac. "I went by the house to see her yesterday. I wanted to apologize for being a dick and not showing up to tell Theo the truth just because I was mad that she didn't feel the same way for me. Zac was there, hell he even answered the door."

Isaac kept his eyebrow raised hearing that Zac was at the house. The house that was still his and Natalie's. "Zac was at our house?" he asked wanting to make sure he heard Taylor right.

Taylor nodded again, "He spent the night. He fucked her," he spoke bluntly as he looked up at his older brother. "She came down the stairs in his shirt saying she had left her clothes in the kitchen. That's why I insulted her. I called her a slut and I told Zac she'd just drop him and run to one of us again. She has that habit and she can't ever change."

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