Chapter Eight

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Stained Red Chapter Eight

After leaving Natalie's house, Isaac didn't drive back to the hotel. No instead he drove to his mom's house. The smell of the spaghetti that Natalie had been fixing had made him want a home cooked meal and not the take out he was growing accustomed too.

Parking his car in his parents driveway he raised an eyebrow when he saw Taylor's car there. Taylor rarely stopped by his parents house at dinner time anymore. Isaac knew because his mom always complained about that. She semi blamed his new girlfriend for that. "That Nikki must be something else," Isaac laughed as he walked up onto the porch and rang the doorbell.

Hearing the door open, Isaac looked up and smiled when his mom answered the door.

"I wasn't expecting you," Diana grinned as she moved aside to let Isaac in. "Taylor is here too with his fiancée," Diana said as she chewed her lip. "He finally popped the question to her this afternoon and they came over to share the good news."

Isaac raised an eyebrow at his mother's words. He was shocked to hear that Taylor had asked Nikki to marry him so soon, yes he knew from his conversation with Natalie earlier today that he was thinking of marriage but he hadn't expected it to happen today. Isaac was also even more shocked that Nikki had said yes. Staying silent though he followed his mom into the kitchen, coming to a stop when he saw Taylor sitting at the table involved in a conversation with a woman he knew well.

"Isaac," Taylor smiled as he looked up, seeing his brother standing at the end of the table. "I didn't know you were coming over tonight. Did mom tell you the news?"

Isaac just stood there trying to find the words to speak. It figured he woman he had met and fucked would happen to be his brother's girlfriend and now fiancée. Though what made Isaac mad was the fact that Nikki was a fan according to what Taylor had said. She would have known who he was right from the start.

Taylor creased his eyebrows at Isaac's silence. "Earth to Isaac," he spoke waving his hand in front of Isaac's face a few times.

"Sorry," Isaac apologized as he felt his face go red. "I..yeah. Mom told me the news," he nodded as he looked at Taylor, his gaze trying to avoid Nikki who he could feel staring at him. He half wanted to know what she was thinking then again that would require him to talk to her which he did not want to do.

"Well, what do you think?" Taylor asked wanting to know what Isaac thought of his engagement. It was no lie that at times he valued Isaac's opinion more than other times.

Sitting down at the table, Isaac still tried to avoid Nikki's gaze but finally he looked at her, trying to keep his face void of any emotions. "I think that I am happy for you of this is what you want," he smiled trying to pretend that he was happy.

"It is what I want," Taylor smiled as he looked away from Isaac and kissed Nikki softly on the lips.

"It's what I want too," Nikki finally spoke up after kissing Taylor back quickly. She could tell from the looks Isaac was giving her that he was mad at her. That he was mad that she was Taylor's fiancée. She did feel a little guilty that he had to find out this way but not as guilty as she should have felt.

Isaac just continued to smile even though it was fake. Luckily for him though he didn't have to say anything else as his mom chose then to announce that dinner was ready. Isaac just chose to stay silent as everyone else came to the table and started talking.

After his mother had put the food on the table along with plates, Isaac filled his and listened as Zoe, his youngest sister happily chatted with Nikki about the engagement. Isaac couldn't help but roll his eyes. What kind of engagement was Nikki getting into by keeping a huge secret from Taylor? What kind of brother was Isaac for keeping a huge secret from Taylor?

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