Chapter Twelve

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Stained Red Chapter Twelve

Isaac sipped on his coffee as he sat at the studio. Two days had passed since finding out Theodore wasn't his and also since finding out Nikki may have been pregnant by him. Two days and all Isaac had done was worry. How could he not? It seemed like everything was slipping out of control and he wasn't sure if he could fix things. Maybe he should have never confronted Natalie about Theodore's paternity. They wouldn't be in this mess if he hadn't.

Hearing the door to the offices open he looked up seeing Zac come in with a weird expression on his face. So far it was just Isaac in the studio and now Zac. There was no Taylor.

"Where is Tay?" Zac asked as he sat down beside Isaac. Usually Taylor was the first one at the studio, though it seemed today he was the last. Zac swore this was a first for Taylor, coming in so late.

Sighing when Zac asked where Taylor was, Isaac decided on a lie. He knew there was no way he could tell Zac that Taylor and Natalie had gone out to breakfast. That Natalie had plans to tell Taylor that Theodore was his. That Natalie planned to ruin everything Isaac held dear, though he knew deep down it was for the best and it would help him get Nikki off his back. He could finally tell Taylor that he had slept with her. That she wasn't as loving as she seemed.

"I don't actually," Isaac shrugged before picking up his coffee and taking another sip. "Called me this morning though to tell me to let myself in with my key. Said he'd be in this afternoon," he smiled before looking at the clock. It was almost noon so Taylor should be here soon, a fact that made Isaac scared.

Zac raised his eyebrow but sat down at his desk. He didn't know what it was that made him doubt Isaac's story but he did. He had a feeling Isaac knew where Taylor was but he was lying for some reason. Though Zac decided not to press the issue. It never did good for him to press Isaac. He and Isaac just never got along and Zac suspected it was because he had dated Natalie first. Isaac was upset that he had, had Natalie first.

Isaac was glad when Zac didn't say anything else. He was glad that Zac had learned not to press things with him, though he guessed the fact that a few of their arguments had gotten psychical had helped Zac learn not to press him anymore. Chewing on his lip he tried to get back into work mode but he couldn't. Instead he just watched as the time changed slowly, the minutes just ticking by like they were hours.

When noon does roll around Isaac jumped when he heard the front door of the studio slam shut. A slam that even made Zac jump in his own seat. Biting his lip Isaac looked up from his computer watching as Taylor made his way into the room and when Taylor's eyes landed on Isaac, Isaac felt his cheeks turn a bright red.

"We need to talk," Taylor spat out as he stood in the doorway of the offices at the studio. His eyes were glued to Isaac and he hoped Isaac knew he meant he wanted to talk to him in person, not with Zac around to hear. What they had to talk about didn't concern Zac.

Isaac nodded as he heard Taylor, standing up from his desk he walked to where Taylor was, soon following him out of the offices and towards one of the back rooms in the studio. When Taylor closed the door behind them Isaac braced himself for whatever Taylor would say. He knew it wouldn't be pretty, had convinced himself of as much.

Taylor turned to Isaac after he shut the door behind them and he glared some, "Natalie told me," he said as he crossed his arms and walked to where he could look Isaac in the eye. "She told me about Theo. How she lied and was never sure whose kid he was. That she only really found out three days ago. Found out he is mine."

Nodding again Isaac wanted to look away from Taylor but he couldn't, "That she did," he confirmed as he hated the fact that his brother was glaring at him. It wasn't like he had been the one who had lied. He had only found out a few weeks ago. "I only found out a few weeks ago myself."

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