Chapter Three

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Stained Red Chapter Three

Natalie chewed on her lip nervously as she sat at the table after dinner. Isaac was upstairs putting Theodore and Henry to bed. Audrey had passed out during dinner, so Natalie had put her to bed then.

"Stop being so nervous," Natalie said to herself, hoping to ease the nerves that were playing in the pit of her stomach. She knew it was crazy to be nervous about talking to her husband, but she was nervous. She was terribly nervous.

Hearing footsteps coming down the stairs she knew it was Isaac. Who else would it have been?

"Nata?" Isaac asked as he walked into the kitchen.

Natalie looked up at Isaac and she chewed on her lip again. Damn nerves. She knew with her biting her lip that Isaac would be able to tell that she was nervous. It would a dead give away that she was indeed keeping a cold hard truth from him.

"Yes," Natalie spoke up as she stayed seated at the table. She hoped Isaac didn't want to go into another room. She was content sitting here at the table. At least if they were in the kitchen he would be more cautious at raising his voice when he spoke to her.

Isaac looked down and racked a hand through his hair, "I think we should talk about a few of the things from our last argument," he told her as he walked over to the table and sat down across from her.

Sighing, Natalie nodded, "Okay," she whispered not even sure he would hear her agreeing with him. "What exactly do you want to talk about from our last argument?" she asked though in her gut she had a feeling she knew exactly what it was he was going to bring up.

"I asked you if I was really Theodore's father," Isaac started as he looked away from Natalie. "You never even answered me Nata," he frowned finally looking up. "Am I his father?"

"Damn it Ike," Natalie sighed as she felt her heart start to hammer in her chest. She hated being right on what he was going to bring up. "Do you really have to ask that?" she asked though she knew he did. She had been with both Taylor and Zac as well. The timing was suspicious.

Isaac kept his frown, "Of course I have to ask. I mean your track record before we got together wasn't too stunning," he sighed. "I mean first Taylor as a one night stand and then let's not forget that you were seeing Zac, hell you began seeing him just days after your one night stand with Taylor," he said laughing some. "You don't have the best reputation and I'm not a fool, I know that you and Zac were last together just a mere week before you decided that you needed to bed me too."

Natalie stayed silent as Isaac listed her misdeeds, her transgressions. They were all mistakes she had made before she had became his wife. Before she had to marry him because of the bun in her oven, the bun that was now known as Theodore.

Running a hand through her brown locks, she debated on how to answer him, sure that her silence was speaking volumes for her, "I don't know if you are his father," she finally spoke and she was silently dreading his reaction now. He was known to have a temper and she was sure this information was enough to warrant it.

Isaac reached his hand up and wiped a few tears that had came out after Natalie's admission, "And you never planned on telling me that you didn't know?" he asked as he stood from the chair he was sitting in and began to pace back and forth. "You never decided to fucking tell me?!" he asked again, this time raising his voice.

Natalie watched as Isaac began to pace back and forth on the kitchen floor and she frowned, jumping ever so slightly when his voice rose, "I never could find the time," she said as she felt a lump form in her throat. She refused to break down in tears. She refused to cry in front of him, not when he was angry anyway.

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