Chapter Sixteen

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Stained Red Chapter Sixteen

Natalie rolled her eyes as she sat on the front porch of her house. It was the middle of the afternoon and Theodore was in school while Zoe had offered to take Audrey and Henry for the day an offer Natalie had taken her up on. Isaac had taken the day off and she had hoped that they could spend the day together but it seemed that fate had other things in store in the form of Nikki.

Nikki had been calling non-stop saying that she had a doctors appointment today and since Taylor refused to go with her that she wanted the other possible baby daddy to go and of course Isaac had agreed because as much as he didn't like Nikki there was still a possibility her baby was Isaac's and Isaac could never abandon his own child or a baby that could be his.

Running a hand through her hair she sipped on her coffee. It had been three weeks now since Isaac had came back and in those three weeks not a lot had changed. They were still slowly making progress trying to get past the hurt her Theodore lie had done. She had hoped that by now they could have had a hot romantic encounter something they had been on their way too two weeks ago when Kate interrupted them but since then neither seemed in the mood.

Isaac was either too busy or tired and she well she had come down with a bad case of the stomach bug this week. She was sure it was the stomach bug because Henry had had it the week before even if his had only last two days. Hers had been lasting now for four days. Isaac had told her she should go to the doctor just to make sure it was the stomach bug but she had said no.

Truth was Natalie was afraid it was something much bigger than a stomach bug. She had done the math in her head this morning when she had been bent over the porcelain gods. She could be pregnant. She knew her period should have came on or around the twenty-sixth but here it was April third and still nothing except for her getting sick.

A part of her wanted so bad for this to be a fluke that maybe she was just too stressed out but hell Taylor had knocked her up from a one night stand before. It seemed with the two of them they were just destined to have tons of fuck ups when they weren't being careful and they should have been. Yes they had been drunk but she shouldn't have been so careless with Taylor again not when she loved Isaac this time. Not when she had been hoping for him to come back. She shouldn't have even let Taylor get in her pants but she had.

Taking another sip of her coffee she closed her eyes. If she was pregnant Natalie couldn't help but worry that Isaac would leave her again. She knew he could accept Theo but that was because he had been raising Theo since birth. Could Isaac really accept this baby if there was one? Could he handle looking at a child that had been made during a careless one night stand while they had been separated?

Then besides her Isaac questions she had questions on Taylor too. Like would he want this baby? She knew he wouldn't be stupid. This time he would know this was his baby. She couldn't get away with passing it off as Isaac's. Taylor would know and Natalie wasn't sure what he would do once he did. Hell she hadn't seen him since that night he came here while drunk and kissed her. Accusing her of not loving Isaac.

Natalie figured he was just pissed. Pissed that she had rebuffed him but she had too because giving him even the slightest clue that he could have been on to something well it could ruin everything she was trying to keep together, everything she had grown to love and felt safe with. She couldn't risk that one whatever it was Taylor made her feel, especially not when she had her children to think of.

Looking out at the neighborhood in front of her she raised an eyebrow when she saw a familiar car heading toward her house. Watching as it parked she kept her eyebrow raised. "What are you doing here?"

Zac rolled his eyes as he looked down at Natalie, "Oh you know I was just driving around and wanted to come say hi," he replied sarcastically as he sat down beside her on the porch. "I just wanted to let you know Kate left me. She left me because your husband had to go and run his mouth to that bitch Taylor used to date."

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