Chapter 86 Special: Who Needs Christmas in a Fantasy World Anyway?

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"Look Christina, it's snowing!" Koko announced while looking through the slightly frost-covered window.

"It is?" Christina mumbled in replied, rubbing her eyes as she attempted to wake up from the night's sleep.

"There's already some snow on the ground too!" Koko said excitedly before hurrying to get ready for the day so that she could see it up close. After all, Harven was a mostly temperate kingdom that would hardly ever see snow, even during the winter. So if it was snowing, then Koko knew that it wouldn't last very long and she wanted to enjoy the season while it lasted. Even if she knew that she should be practicing her act for the upcoming talent competition instead.

"Are you really going to go practice your violin in the forest again when it's so slippery outside?" Christina asked in disbelief once she finally noticed Koko getting ready.

"Of course not!" Koko replied. "There's snow on the ground, so there are more important things to be doing other than practicing!!"

"Like what?" Christina asked.

"Snow angels, snowball fights, igloos and snowmen!" Koko's excitement rose with each activity the listed. "The possibilities are endless whereas the time is not!"

"Well... have fun." Christina mumbled again before going back to bed. And seeing as today was one of their days off from classes, Koko couldn't blame the girl. She especially couldn't blame her seeing as snow-filled days were considered a bad omen to those in the kingdom seeing as the cold weather ruined crops. Though Koko knew better than that and dressed head to toe in warm red clothing before sneaking outside so as to not disturb the other dorm rooms.

Once she was on the first floor, Koko could hardly contain herself as she skipped the rest of the way to the dorm's entrance and fought her way through the snow that had piled up on the other side of the door. Though once she finally made it past the door and breathed her first breath of cold air, she grinned from ear to ear before walking outside, dragging her feet through the snow until she finally moved behind the girl's dorm and flopped backwards in the snow, laughing as she moved her arms back and forth in order to make a snow angel. And five snow angels later, she moved on to her next activity which was building the largest snowman in the history of Elnor.

Struggling to keep her footing in the slippery terrain, Koko continued to roll a ball of snow that was over seven times her size before she eventually placed it in the spot that she wanted and made two smaller balls and put them on top of the larger one. And now that the snowman's base form was completed, Koko ran to the nearby forest where she punched two dead trees, destroying their bases and making them fall over before she dragged their remains back to her snowman and impaled them into it's frozen center. Though she first made sure to use one of the larger branches that she'd had to tear off of one of the trees and use it as a nose for her creation.

Now that she was finished with the nose, Koko took two large boulders she's collected before throwing them upwards and making them sink into the snowman's head, giving it eyes before she used more branches to form a mouth. And once she was done with that, Koko trimmed the snowman's tree arms some more until it finally looked like a real snowman and she stood a ways away from it to examine her work.

Clapping despite there not being anyone else nearby to celebrate with her, Koko was content with the largest snowman she'd ever seen before until she moved on to her next task, which was to build an igloo mansion. However, when she did, Koko spotted something out of the corner of her eye and looked up at the roof of the boy's dormitory. And while she'd been having such a great time, she lost her smile as she recognized Richard, who was sitting on top of the roof while looking into the distance with a sad expression.

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