Chapter 122: Determination

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Christina's P.O.V

Everything was wrong... The demon's attack had been swift and merciless, leaving Goldgate a blazing ruin while the survivors streamed south towards the kingdom's southern territories. And as the hero turned around to look at her former home one last time before it would be out of sight, she shivered as the victory cries from both demons and monsters could be heard even from where she was standing. However, with the flames above the walls and smoke in the sky now burned in her memory, she turned again and started following the long line of refugees as they headed to the nearest safe haven which was the fortress city of Tonston.

As everyone continued to travel in silence save for the odd person coughing, sneezing or crying, Christina was at the back of the line for two reasons. The first was that so she could be there to defend the civilians if the demons decided to attack again, and the other... Well, she simply couldn't stand the way that everyone was looking at her. Their eyes were full of accusation and betrayal, though what hurt the most was those who had lost everything with their eyes looking as if they had no soul behind them...

"Hey." A familiar voice greeted her as Christina turned her head to see a depressed Richard. Though instead of asking her how she was feeling afterward like she'd expected, he merely hung his head while seeming to be lost in thought while they continued to walk side by side.

"You're not going to say it?" Christina eventually asked after several minutes.

"Say what?"

"You're not going to tell me about how much I've failed? About how the hero couldn't save anyone?" Christina asked in almost a whisper while staring at the ground. "Not even Koko..."

"The last time I checked, I was ranked ahead of you in the academy." Richard answered her. "I'm strong... I have more magic than anyone and I couldn't- I couldn't do-"

Looking over to see why Richard hadn't finished his sentence, Christina was genuinely surprised to see that tears were falling down his face while his fists were white from being clenched in frustration.

"I couldn't do anything, and because I was I so weak, Koko was- Koko is-" His voice actually cracked as his entire body shook.

"You might be stronger now, but there's no way that you could have faced them." Christina began an attempt to lift his mood. "I'm the hero, and even though it's my job to face demons... Even though I trained for it my entire life..."

"So... You're thinking that it's your fault because you're the hero and couldn't stop them?" Richard asked hesitantly with his words causing her to slowly nod her head.

"I was created for this... I trained so hard, but-"

"Get over yourself." He interrupted her with a harsh whisper.

"W- What?" Christina asked in shock as she hadn't been expecting that reply at all.

"Do you really think that the reason that you were created was just to kill demons and prevent disaster?" Richard asked in a stern tone while looking her directly in the eyes. "Do you think that it's your job to save lives? If that was all there was to being a hero, then anyone could do it. Anyone can do it."


"Most people here see heroes as figures of legend, but they aren't. They're just people who are capable of standing and fighting back when the world goes to hell around them. And if they're lucky, then they'll have the divines supporting them." Richard continued. "Koko knows that and so do I. That's why we never treated you differently from anyone else. Because we both know that, underneath all of the titles and destinies, there's just a lonely girl that's desperately trying to rise to everyone else's expectations."

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