Chapter 1 - Meeting

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Year 850

That was one beautiful summer day. People were busy and kids were happily running around and playing. It was one of those times when one couldn't say will be miserable and chaotic... like it'll soon become...

''Auruo!" Auruo turned around and saw Petra. She was standing a few meters away from him with Eld and Gunter in their civillian clothes.

"Hi, where have you been? We couldn't find you all day."said Petra as they approached him.

"Well, someone must go on town patrol and protect people from any harm. And who would do this job better than me?" Aurou said with a proud look on his face.

"Eh?" said Gunther.

"We know you well enought to say that you're hiding something from us." said Eld with his eyebrow rised.

"And why would you go to patrol when it's our day off? And you aren't in uniform." said Petra.

"Alright guys, you got me! I was just going around! Don't be such an asses who can't take one simple joke!"

All three laughted and Eld patted Aurou's back. "Well we must be serious in front of you, otherwise it won't have an effect on you and you'll always have your nose high."

"Shut up! I am actually a very modest person and I never watch someone from highs!"

"Look who's being an ass right now." Petra giggled.

"Hey, that's not i-!" He couldn't even finish his sentence because of his now bitten tongue. He covered his mouth with both hands and tried to silence his whimpers.

Trio laughted again and Petra pulled out a handkerchief from her pocket and gave it to him.

"Than you, Petra." said Auruo and hid his smile behind handkerchief.

"You're wellcome. Please be more careful next time." answered Petra.

"Petra, have you seen Captain Levi? He went on trip to Mitras for 7 days now, and he supposed to pass by this area in return." asked Gunther.

"No, I haven't. What about you Eld, Auruo?" asked Petra.

"I haven't seen him. Maybe we passed by him without knowing. The crowd is pretty big today." said Eld.

"Me neither. You know that he's hard to find in a sea of all this tall people."

They couldn't help it and they laughted once more, but not too much because it was their Captain they made joke about.

"Well, he has less problems than me! I am the shortest member of the squad here and maybe in whole Surve Corps." said Petra and smiled awkwardly.

"Aww, our little Petra is defending her Captain, how cute!" said Eld with teasing smile.

"No! Shut up! That was truth, so why you think I'm defending him! I-I mean, I have n-no problem if I defend him but-" said Petra and she was scarlet red.

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