Racism and Slavery Then Vs. Now

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Scarla Noai

Slavery is a huge thing in history. Slaves in America were often German and Irish immigrants, along with African people. In American history, slaves were used for plantations, housework, sex, and taking care of children. These were generally the African slaves. German and Irish immigrants were used to build railroads and the eerie canal. Racism is actually what caused slavery in the first place!

Then (Pre-Civil War and early after)

In the past, slaves have been a larger part of building the society we have today. Slaves had absolutely no rights unless their masters gave them freedom. Even then, there were still major problems related to racism. Groups such as the KKK hated people with darker skin (specifically black), and hung them in trees, and other inhumane things. Africans also had to sit in the back of busses, be the end of the line, and couldn't own land unless it was given to them. They often weren't taught how to read, were beaten, and were forced to go in separate bathrooms, drink from different fountains, and even eat and buy food from different places! Then they were beaten for messing up or being too slow, tired, or ill to work.

Twenty-first Century 

Racism is a problem for all people. The people who are being racist, and the people who are being targeted. Today, racism is not as bad it used to be. Africans, Indians, Asians, and people of all races can eat at the same place, drink from the same fountain, and share the same bathrooms. However, people still say black men are more violent, but that isn't just because of their race. It's because they feel targeted by racist people. Today, people who call them "Nigga" can be a way of brotherhood, but "Nigger" and "Negro" is still often off limits.  As for the slavery part, it's not more based on racism as it once was. Slavery today has grown to more than just immigrants and Africans. It's blacks, Caucasians, albinos, Asians, Europeans, and more. Similarities between slavery then and now, however, is that it is still sex, factories, and labored work! However, the largest one today is sex, while the other is for factories and mining, while then, it was plantations and other forms of labor more than sexual needs.

Racism and sexism is still a huge problem in the world and is definitely one we should work to fix. 

A/N: If any of you guys see any incorrect information, please let me know so I can fix it. 

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