Chapter 1: Pilot

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August 12th, 2018 

"Spargant in Ventum." I pronounced as clearly as I could. The air around me became more powerful as my spell took action around me. The air whipped rapidly and violently. I sat in the center of the chaos watching as the leafs on the trees began to fall from the pressure and joined in the circular motion of the magic.

"Mirella!" I heard Superior Rigby call out. As I lost my concentration the spell died out and the leafs fell to the forest ground. I stand from where I sat and turned to see Rigby angrily picking leafs from her grey hair. Superior Rigby was a short angry old lady. She's been around more years then most of the people in our witches coven.

"I said you could practice in the forest as long as you don't cast any massive spells!" I walk over with my head hung low, once again feeling the disapproval that always radiates off her when she's around me.

"It was just a wind spell." I said quietly. She gripped on to my wrist and dragged me back to the coven.

"You aren't allowed to use the elements with your magic! Your not that type of witch! Hell, you're not even a witch! You're just some magical orphan that was left at the coven's door!" Her words spit fire at me and her grip got tighter. We walked into the home of our coven and many of the young witches my age glared at me like they always do. Superior Rigby dragged me up the stairs to my room as she continued to explain how grateful I should be that the coven has kept me with them. She threw my into my room and as I stumbled I lost my footing and fell to the floor like the clumsy girl I am.

"You are to stay here till you remember your place in our coven!" She yelled and slammed the door and I heard the door being locked on the other side.

I don't sit up from the floor instead I just roll on to my back. I turn my head to my black walls and I stare at the gold pattern "Motus." I spoke and the pattern danced across my walls. As I stared longer the pattern began to take a different forms. It was like I was watching a movie and the story was slightly unclear to me but as I focused more I began to see exactly what the pictures were.

It was a women racing through trees and streets. She stopped in the arms of a man but something pulled her away and she disappeared from my wall. All that was left was the man. He angrily walked around in different scenery and different seasons till he stood in front of the same women again. The gold pattern began to lift off my walls and I realized I've used my magic for to long. I shook off my concentration and my pattern went back to where it was originally.

I sat up from the floor and looked around my room. My room was dull with color the only thing that popped was the gold patterns that were pained onto my walls.

I was at the most secluded rooms in this whole mansion. My room isn't small but with all my books towering high and my organized mess my room slowly felt small.

I was put in this room because I scared the other witches that were learning with the coven. They say my red eyes are a sign of evil and I should be cast out but even the oldest witches don't know what my red eyes mean. The way I use my powers is different from them too. A witch needs an magical object to focus her magic on like a pendent. But ever time I tried using one they explode in the most dramatic way possible. I just have to concentrate and say what I want and my magic follows.

I stand from the ground and move to my bed. I grab my Ancient Text: Latin book and I turn to the page I left off on. I speak my spells in Latin and to be honest I don't know what I say most of the time. I was told one day when I performed a spell but I always think I'm speaking regular English but apparently I'm not, another thing that makes me different.

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