Chapter 15: Oran Manor

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September 29th, 2018

Vivian and I have been looking for a better place to stay then that little shed but I haven't had any lucky. We've been getting by just fine with the forgetting spell Vivian knows, since we don't have any money. We picked up cloths and food to last about a week but we did have to wipe some people's memories. She usually goes into town to get what we need and I search the outskirts of town for some where better to hide.

I was walking when I decided I should probably look into the forest a little bit, maybe there's an old cabin. Luckily it was bright enough for me to see everything even through all the trees. I held my bag close and I searched everywhere I was going to be ready for any surprise attacks from demons. I had memorized attack spells for that type of situation. It had been four days and I except them to find us any day. If I can find a better area then our shed I might be able to fortify it to protect us better.

"Ow!" I trip over something and fall but I catch myself on my hands and knees. I look at what I tripped over and I saw an old wooden wheel for some kind of hay chart. I pick it up curiosity and look around. There was nothing this could have been attached to and I wasn't on a path. Something shined in the light blinding my eyes and bringing my attention to it. I place the wheel down and move to the object. I move leafs and pull off the ivy that had grown over it giving me a few cuts on my hand. I read an old metal sign that had fallen to the ground.

Oran manor
A pocket in time

I stare confused. Oran? Isn't that Evander's last name? And what does it mean 'a pocket in time'. I stand away from the sign and look in the direction of what must have been a path at some point. I step through the over grown plants and over old fallen trees and I move aimlessly through the forest.

I stared surprised when I saw a mansion in front of me but there was a pull of magic coming from it. When I focused on it I could vaguely see the magic bubble around it. Looking from the outside all I saw was nothing but an old warren out mansion covered in ivy and dirt. The forest around it was dead and it looked like nothing has lived her in centuries. But when I stepped closer it was like everything changed. There was greenery so lively and I could smell flowers and plants. I see species of plants I've never seen before. I looked ahead and see the mansion looked clean and it was absolutely gorgeous. I make my way to it and stop, when I heard little snickers.

"Hello? Who's there?" I hear the snickers get louder and I see little fairies fly out of a tree.

"We're sorry. We didn't mean to spy but it's been a while since we've seen an Imerium here." The smallest said to me with a squeaky voice.

"What is this place?" I asked looking around some more and they snickered again.

"It's just a time pocket. An area that's unaffected by the events out there. It was created at the beginning of The Purge of Magic by Lila and Evander. He offered his manor as a safe house, almost." The biggest fairy said. I looked to the manor and stare up and it remembering everything I know about Evander.

"Can I..." My voice trails off a bit. "Can I go inside?"

"Of course." Another little voice said. I thank them quickly and rush up the stairs. I walk through the big doors and I see a grand staircase leading upstairs and I see two large doors on either side of me. I open the one on my left and see a dining room filled with paintings and food. I walk in and look at what was on the tables. It was freshly made, I could tell by the warmth that came from the baked treats. I grab a miniature pie and continue to walk around as I ate it. I could feel magic floating off the walls of this place and it was so lively.

I made my way over to the second large door and I open it to see a lounge. It had a warm fire and more brightly colored pieces of art. I place my hand on one of the couch pillows and I feel how soft it felt under my fingertips.

I move up the staircase and turn to my right first. I open each door and I see a grand rooms behind every door. It was gorgeous, everything about this place was beautiful it l, but as the number of doors decreased I found myself feeling dread in my chest. There was one last door to open. It was different from all the other doors up stairs and it looked simpler to the grand doors down stairs.

I open it and find a familiar study room. I saw a desk cluttered with work and book selves that were covered in dust. I walk over and look at the papers scattered on the desk. I see newspapers about The Purge of Magic and I see other documents that were crumpled up and ruined. I turn and I stare at the wall across the desk. It was a familiar sight to me, it's the exact background that I would see behind Evander every time I saw him. This was the last door. I slid to the ground and hold my legs close to myself.

I don't know what I was hoping to find here but I didn't find it and now I'm disappointed. I was sitting in the exact room I had watch Evander in, the same room I hoped I could escape to everyday. Now I'm here, and he's not. I guess I might have been hoping to see him here but it was foolish to hope for that.  I stand from the ground and take a deep breath. I move out of the house and make my way back to the shed where Vivian would be waiting for me.

"Did you find anything?" She asked when I had returned. I looked at her sadly. I couldn't go back there, it hurt me too much for some reason.

"I didn't, sorry."

Word Count: 1,207

Mirella find a pocket in time that was used to protect creatures and some of the land during The Purge of Magic. She saw Evander's home but she was devastated to not see him there. And with everything else she lied to Vivian. Keep reading to find out what happens next.

Also don't be afraid to tell me about any spelling or grammar mistakes I will take care of them as soon as I can! I try to catch all my mistakes but no ones perfect.

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Till next time!


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