Chapter 24: Escape

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October 6th, 2018

I don't know how long I've been here. I know it was late at night and my Evander should be coming any moment. Except, I don't know how far I am. I was flown here by a demons and I was knocked out so who knows how long it's been. I could escape through the window.

I walked over and open the window only to look down and see the side of the house was on a cliff. I pulled my head back in and try to search my brain for a levitation spell. I pop my head back out and sighed. My brain, that can't hold an information, had no idea what spell I could use.

Maybe my Evander was close and... My thoughts stopped as an idea came to mind. If this Evander knew everything about me does he know about my Evander? Could Evander be walking into a trap if he comes here? Or did "Evander"already attack Evander? Is my Evander dead?

"Ugh!" I groaned and went to lay on the bed. This is all confusing! Two Evander's! The one that has me captured and the one that was my only hope of getting out of here. I don't even know what's happening to my Evander. Was he safe? Have I doomed him by leading him here?

I have no way of knowing the answers, unless I could think of a spell but I don't think I've ever heard of a spell that would allow me to check on Evander. I know the time spell but I'm not sure if I want to open that again, ever! If opening it the first time caused all this imagine what else could happen from opening it again.

I wish I still had my book but "Evander" took my book and now I'm left with my head and I can't think of anything useful! I stare at a wall as I think over everything that's happened to me since August when I found that stupid book! I have so many unanswered questions and I can't help but feel like "Evander" knows the answers.

Knock, knock

There was a light knock on the door and I stood quickly as I face the door. I didn't say anything but I was ready to attack anything that came through that door.

"Ignis." I whispered and now I had a small flame in my hand as I waited for another knock, that never came.

"So you plan on attacking me then?" I turned quickly and saw "Evander" behind me. I released the flame and it speed quickly to him, but he caught it. "My dear, you might be an Imerium but you are still new to this power. You can't defeat me with a small flame." He crushed my magic in his hand and I stood strong.

"How did you get in here?"

"I'm a warlock, there's a spell for everything. I thought Lila told you that right around the time she told you about time loops." After hearing him say that I smirked for one reason and one reason only. "Oh, what's so funny?" He asked.

"You're right. I can't defeat you." I said moving the conversation off his previous question. "But that won't stop me from trying." I was confident with my words and "Evander" noticed.

"That's what I love about you." He smirked and moved closer while placing a hand on my cheek. Quickly I slapped his hand away from me.

"That's a shame, because I love Evander! My Evander! You are just one future version of him. I might have loved you like I love him but people change and you have changed for the worst." I saw his anger in his eyes as he glared down at me but I didn't faulted from my confidence.

"I might not be able to kill my passed self, but there are other ways to be ride of him!" He stormed out of the room and slammed the door closed. I saw still smirking. Evander wasn't dead and now I know for a fact the he has no idea that Evander knew where I was because, not once did Lila say anything about time loops. He's basing everything off of what happened in his passed but thing were different this time, and he had no idea that there were.

I raced to the window and look out towards the forest that looked never ending. Evander was somewhere! He was alive and I'm sure he's looking for me. I use my brain and I try and make up a spell that would allow me to see him out there.

"Oculos meos super illum." Like the speed of light my subconscious was blasted out of that place and traveled quickly through the forest and stopped when I saw Evander hiking through the woods, following the pocket watch.

"You're coming!" I said happily. Evander stopped moving and turned to where I was standing, could he hear me. "Evander! Do you hear me?"

"Mirella?" He asked and I sighed.

"Oh! This worked better then I thought!" I felt relieved.

"Why can't I see you?" He asked and I pulled myself together to tell him what was going on.

"I used a spell, or at least I think it's a spell. Anyways, I don't know how long I'll be able to hold myself here so I'll be quick! None of this is what I thought it was! It's all my fault this happened. But he won't hurt me, he doesn't know your coming but I feel like he's going to try and attack you so listen. I can't leave by myself, unless I know a levitating spell I could but-"

"Pondus pluma." He said quickly.

"What?" I asked.

"It's a spell Lila would use." I nodded but then remember he couldn't see me.

"Okay, I'll try it. Once I get out I'll be on the run. You know how to find me I still have my ring so I shouldn't be hard to find." I felt a pull of magic and I knew my time was running out. "I'll get out of this place I promise! My time is running out I have to go!"

"Mirella!" I heard him shout I looked into his eyes and I saw an expression on his face I will never see on "Evander's" face, concern and love all mixed together. I know I loved this man and there was nothing that could tell me other wise but things were to complicated right now.

"I promise I'll come back. Until then keep these eyes. These loving and caring eyes!" I don't know what made me say what came next but I felt like it needed to be done in this moment.

"I love you."

And just as fast as I said those words I was ripped back to that same room I was trapped in before. I have to get out, for Evander. My Evander! I look out the window and stare down at what looks like an endless drop.

"I trust you Evander, I trust that you didn't give me a false spell!" I crawled out the small window and stood on a ledge. The whole time my mind was telling me to crawl back in but I knew who was waiting for me. "Jeez!" I say as I run threw what I was about to do. "Alright Mirella! You got this! You are a powerful women! Bring it gravity! What can you do, besides kill me...Oh just jump!" I motivate myself before I took a leap and felt the air speeding around me. Because of the adrenaline I briefly forgot the spell but I quickly gained the knowledge.

"Pondus pluma!"

Word Count: 1,297

Alright! So this is what's going on in her life! Will Evander and Mirella be reunited?

A lot is going to happen as we reach the end. Now if you don't understand anything please talk to me!

I gave an early update because I'm going to be out of town on Friday and Saturday so I'm just trying to get this out!

Also don't be afraid to tell me about any spelling or grammar mistakes I will take care of them as soon as I can! I try to catch all my mistakes but no ones perfect.

Please comment and vote!

Go check out my other stories too!

Till next time!


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