Chapter 9: Closing

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Happy Valentine's Day
Single Awareness Day
Chocolate Sale at Walgreens Eve
However you look at the day, remember Valentine's Day is about cherishing everything you love even if it's just a book 😉 so I give you a special early update, it's not your average Valentine chapter it's just the next one.

September 9th, 2018 5:23pm

"You've got it!" Lila said to me excitedly. I fell flat on my back exhausted. "You'll be tired for awhile but you should have some control. Just build it up yourself, just like I showed you." I was breathing heavily and my eyes couldn't stay open.

"Why was that so draining?" I asked breathlessly.

"Because you've been practicing the same thing all day." I hear the familiar British voice say. I lift my head and look through the window to Evander. I smile but I notice the worry in his eyes. I lay my head back down and close my eyes.

"You'll be fine in the morning. But you'll have to connect with the forest around you. Now, would you like me to close this window?" My eyes shot open and I lift my upper body into a sitting position.

"You can do that?" I asked. She nodded and I saw a mischievous look in her eyes.

"No." Evander answered quickly. I turn my attention to him but his gaze was fixed on the ground.

"What? Why not?" I ask. "I've been trying to close this for weeks!" He took a deep breath and looked at me. I saw an intense look in his eyes but there was a small look of sadness in his face and I felt my chest ping.

"Because you were attacked by a demon last night. Something could happen to you! And your Superiors are villains in disguise." He said with anger clearly visible in his voice. I turned my whole attention to him and I felt my hard, stubborn side drop away.

"I understand your worry. But I learned to control my magic and Lila gave me Imerium books so I can defend myself with more studying. And my Superiors have always been a problem, I can handle them." I say softly and he looked more frustrated.

"But I don't want you to-"

"Lila close the window!" I say as I turn my head away from him.

"Mirella!" I hear him say. I close my eyes tightly and I feel the absence of a large powerful energy. I open my eyes and see that the window was gone. Evander was gone.

I lay back and stare up at my ceiling. I feel a sense of loneliness, a feeling I haven't felt in awhile. I turn my head to my wall that was covered with stacked up books. "At lest I can clear out all the books I've been tripping on." I say to myself.

It's strange for me not to feel the presence of the window. No one else could feel it due to my barrier spell I put on it but now my room feels like the same empty space. I stand up and I feel a pain in my chest. It was different from before, it was intense and it made me fell like I was physically in pain.

I move to my bed and go threw the books Lila gave me. They're all in Latin and I sigh as I begin to read one. The moment I focused on the pages the words floated into place, almost like water. Suddenly I understand the words I'm reading. I close the book and open up the next one. Again, it happened again! Does this have anything to do with anything I did today? I racked my brain thinking over everything she told me and everything she showed me but nothing correlated with reading. I flip threw each book until, I made it to the very last book.

Et Fenestras Mundi

It's the book I had burned before. The one with the window spell. I flip threw quickly till I get to the page with the spell. I stopped and look at the page. The words made sense now! Did Lila place a spell on these books?

Window spell

This marker spell is used to show the caster a place that's important to their future. You'll be able to communicate with people on the other side and learn what knowledge you'll need. To perform the marker spell you'll need:





Be cautious when using this spell if it's used wrong it could form a devastating loop in time.

My eyes widened with worry as I read the last line. Had I performed it wrong? Did I creat a time loop? I read it over a few more times as things started to settle in.
What dose it mean, important to their future? My fate is love and death. So why did it show me... Evander?

I feel a pain in my chest and I realized why I have this feeling about Evander. It's that feeling I hear the other witches talk about. Did I fall for Evander? He's the first person I've ever talked to, he's the first guy I've ever made eye contact with! I couldn't possibly have feelings like that for him. But I can't deny the way my heart reaches out to him! He's gone though, or is he? I look down at the book and I see the spell staring back at me, almost like it's taunting me. I close the book and threw it under my bed to get it out of my sight. I stand abruptly and pace around my room.


I hear an unearthly, skin peeling screech come from outside. I rush to my window and place my hands on the glass as I see the pressure of the sound shake the trees. My eyes widen. Something is out there for me, it has always been there, and I'm still terrified. I close the curtains of my window and race to turn my lights off. I have the feeling that it knows exactly where I am, it always knows where I am.

I take a deep breath and sit on my bed. I felt better with my back on the bed. It made me feel safer I guess. But even if I feel safe now, I know it's coming and I have to be ready.

Word Count: 1,017

Evander's gone. Mirella knows something's going to happen so how is she going to handle her problem? Did her training during the day teach her anything she can use. Please do not skip over the time stamp that I put on the top. It will help you understand exactly what time we're at for this story.

Also don't be afraid to tell me about any spelling or grammar mistakes I will take care of them as soon as I can! I try to catch all my mistakes but no ones perfect

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Till next time!

Bye-bye 👋🏻

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