Chapter 25: No Hope

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October 6th, 2018 6:24pm

The spell work luckily but it was more of a slow falling then a complete stop. I made it to the bottom of a cliff and looked back up to see the house miles up. I didn't see anything that indicated that "Evander" knew I was gone so I ran on the bottom of the cliff till the house looked tiny to me.

I stopped to catch my breath and leaned on a rock. My Evander was somewhere is the forest and I already knew it was going to be far. I took my ring off and followed where it led me. I felt like i was walking for ever and I was still in this riven I had to find a way back up but there was nothing I could use. I rattled my brain for a spell to get me out but nothing came to mind.

"What's the point of having power if I can't even use it!" I yelled angrily and kicked a rock beside my foot.

"Damn Imerium!"  I feel a pain in my hand before a red blast of magic and power pushed me high in the sky. I screamed as I flew up not knowing what I had just done but landed at the top.

"My species name is a spell? That would have been nice to know!" The ring I was following floating in front of my face reminding me of what I was doing. I chanced after it into a foggy forest. I could barely see two steps in front of me but as I moved farther in I heard that same familiar blood curtailing screech of a demon. Was I already found? I picked up my speed and ran away from the sound as I followed the ring.

"Come on!" I said hoping Evander was near by but he could still be far. I trip on a fallen branch and catch my self right before my face made contact with the forest floor. I stand up and look for the ring I was following, it was gone. I looked around but it was no where to be seen.

"Did you think you could get away like that?" I heard "Evander's" voice say. I turned and saw him standing with my ring in his hand. "Quite a smart trick. But you can't out smart me my dear." I scuffed and rolled my eyes.

"I still managed to get away from you." He laughed.

"But here you are, right back with me. You won't fight me, I remind you too much of your beloved Evander." He said and I heard an anger in him when he mentioned his past self.

"I have no problem fighting you!" I stood tall and glared at him.

"Really," he held his arms out wide. "Go ahead." I bit the inside of my cheek and tried to keep my face strong.

"Letum In..." my voice dead out as I looked at him longer. He looked just like my Evander and he was right, it was hard to know that I was killing some kind of version of him, even if it was this deranged lunatic.

"I told you my love, you can't." I felt small in front of him like I couldn't do anything. I made my head fall and stare at the ground.

"You don't love me." I whisper.

"Pardon?" He questioned with a surprised tone. "I do love you! I spend two decades waiting for you."

"You don't!" I yelled back with tears streaming down my face. "If you loved me you would see the pain you're putting me through! You would let me go! You would let me be happy even if it's with out you!" I saw him walk over to me angrily. I pushed on his chest to push him away but he grabbed a hold of my wrist and glared down at me only inches from my face.

"I let you go before and I'm not doing it again!" He growled in my face. I felt tears slipping down my face as I saw this kind of a Evander, it hurt to even think that someone that care so much about me had turned into this.

"You can lock me away and hide me from the world," I take a deep breath for courage. "But I will never love you like I love my Evander!" He's eyes were as angry as I had ever seen them.  He opened my hand wide and placed my ring in my hand and forcefully closed my fist around it.

"We'll wait right here for you're love! And then we'll see just how much you love him." I tried to jerk my arm away but his grip became tighter. I felt a strong pain and my knees buckled under me but he hold kept me standing even thought I desperately wanted to drop down away from him.

"You'll bring him right too me." He let my arms drop and I fell to the ground. My heart was pounding as I stared at the ground.

"You're heartless." I whispered.

"Maybe," He said from above me. "But you're stuck with me for the rest of your life now." I felt tears go down my face as I thought about what kind of torture that would be like. I don't think I would be physically abused as much as I would be mentally knowing I could kill this man but the only reason I haven't is because he looks just like my Evander, because he is Evander.

"I'd rather die." I say and my head turns up to him. "Mark my words! If you make me live that way, I'll be dead." He glares down at me.

"Not when I'm around." He turned away from me and I felt as small as I was on the ground. I opened my hand and the ring floated in front of my face wanting me to follow but instead I placed it back on my finger and sighed. I couldn't let my Evander walk into this mess the only thing I could think to do was to destroy what would lead him here. I looked to "Evander" and saw his back turned.

"Ignis." The ring on my finger burned and the spell I had placed on it was gone now.

"What the hell are you doing?" He yelled at me as the flames went out. He pulled me off the ground by my arm and I smirked.

"Sorry to rain on your parade." He glared at me but I knew now that Evander was safe.

"Fine," his glare turned to a smirk. "You just burned your only chance to escape." I knew I was on my own now but that's better then Evander becoming a victim.

Word Count: 1,141

Boom! Evander's not comping anymore! Mirella is being tortured mentally by the similarity of both Evander's will she find away out? I would love to hear what you think 🤔

I promise we're real close to the ending! My track season just ended this week so I have more time on my hands! I hope I'll get more chapters and finish I know you want an ending. I've said it for a while but I hope at his point you understand what's going on.

Also don't be afraid to tell me about any spelling or grammar mistakes I will take care of them as soon as I can! I try to catch all my mistakes but no ones perfect

Also go check out my other stories!

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Till next time!

Bye-bye 👋🏻

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