Chapter 21: Capture

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October 4th, 2018

Silence has been screaming at me since I had the dream. My mind is constantly going back to the feeling I had. That dream was so vivid and life like. It wasn't a dream, it was a spell. I know it was! But who performed the spell? It wasn't Evander and Vivian's only 15, she wouldn't know how to manipulate dreams. The spell I placed should keep out people and spells. So it can't be an outside source, I think.

I was staring at the gate entrance, right where that raven had flown out at me. Whoever was there before is back. I can feel it. I feel the magic reaching through my barrier and to me. It was luring me out to it and I wanted to confront them, maybe they had something to do with my dream or it's that creep that's been sending the demons after me. I nervously tap my foot on the ground as I studied the area like a puzzle.

"Mirella?" I jump at the sound of one of those fairies. I turn and see the smallest fairy, Lilly, flying in the door way.

"Yes?" I asked and beckoned her in. She nervously sat on my desk and I looked down to her.

"I was just going to ask if you could help me move something heavy for me, out in the garden." I nodded and made my way out with her. It's strange, isn't Vivian usually in the garden? Why didn't she asked her for help?

"There! This rock crushed my play house and I can't move it!" She said frustrated. To me the rock wasn't much smaller then a cantaloup but to the fairies it's huge and hard to move, especially for Lily. I move it and see her playhouse destroy.

"Oh," She said sadly.

"We'll fix it." I said and smiled to her. I took the time to help her make another, even thought she yelled at me the whole time about how everything had to be placed. After an hour and a half of building I looked around the garden confused.

"I thought Vivian was out here? Do you know where she is?" Her pink hair bounced as she shook her head.

"She said she needed to go grab something and then went off in that direction." I followed where she pointed with my eyes and I felt a hole in my chest, it was the gate entrance. I raced over worried.

"Vivian!" I yelled and I heard nothing. I got to the gate and she wasn't anywhere around. My head dropped and I saw what looked like feet being dragged in the dirt, there was more on the other side of the barrier. I ran as close as I could to the spell and looked out. How did I miss something like this? I was watching the whole time, except for early in the morning, was that when it happened? I was about to step out but stopped. I can't go out there unprepared. I raced tiredly into the Manor and up the staircase. I grabbed a book with my attack and defense spells and shoved it into my tattered bag.

"Mirella," I hear Evander say as raced back down the stairs. I turn and see him at the top coming closer to me. "What's going on?" I take a moment to catch my breath and I stared into his eyes. Would this be my last time seeing his brown eyes?

"Vivian," I let out breathlessly. "She was... she was out in the garden and now she's not! I have... I have reasons to believe she was taken. I have to... have to find her!" I said gasping for air in between. I turn leaving Evander behind me.

"It's obviously a trap, I'll go with you." He said before I left through the door.

"No!" I said and I turned back at him looking into his eyes seriously. "I can't risk losing you! Whatever is chasing me wants only me! Those demons would have no problem killing you! If I'm not back before the sun set come find me!" I was about to leave when he pulled on my arm and I turned back to him. I looked up at him and I saw how scared he was. I placed a hand on his cheek and sighed.

"How will I find you?" He asked. I opened my bag and searched for something small that I could use. I found an old wooded ring at the bottom of my bag.

"Okay," I held it in my hand tightly. "I need something else you could carry around easily." He searched his pocket and pulled out a pocket watch. "That will do." I placed it in my other hand and focused on the spell. "Orbis." I hand it back to him and placed the wood ring on my finger. "That watch will lead you to this ring. You'll find me." He stared down at the watch like it was the most important thing in his life.

"What if you-" I place both hands on his cheek and pull his head to look me in the eyes.

"We know that whoever this is doesn't want me killed. I'll be alive but I don't know if Vivian will have that luxury. I have to hurry!" I said and moved my hands away from his face before he grabbed ahold of my arm again and pulled me into a kiss. I was startled at first but slowly melted into his touch. I wish I could have frozen everything and stayed there longer but I knew I couldn't. I pulled back and looked up at him.

"Just in case I don't see you again." He let me go and I stared at him unsure what to say after that. "Try and come back." He said hopeful and I nodded before I turn away from him. I ran pass my barrier and into the forest.

"Vivian!" I yelled out as I raced quickly through the forest. I promised myself to keep her alive. If a fail, how will I ever be able to protect any one else. I stop when my foot splashed into something thick. I looked down and see a pool of blood, and one of Vivian's rings. I look to the left and see a trail of blood and the pit grew larger in my stomach. I turned and followed this red trail.

Word Count: 1,084

Vivian was taken! Is it a trap? Yes. But let's be honest everyone is wondering, what about Evander? He kissed her right! That's great! But what will happen now? Will Mirella walk straight into the trap? Will Vivian survive? With Evander see her again? Will I ever stop writing down questions? Well keep reading to find out!

Also don't be afraid to tell me about any spelling or grammar mistakes I will take care of them as soon as I can! I try to catch all my mistakes but no ones perfect.

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Till next time!


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