Chapter 12: Demons

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September 25th, 2018

I laid in my room isolated from everything. I'm afraid of leaving my room or opening my curtains after everything that's ever happened to me. After that last attack I keep seeing different breeds of demons outside my window, looking right back at me. Watching. Waiting. I'm so paranoid I can't even listen to my own breathing without shaking with fear.

I laid staring out the ceiling and I could have sworn I heard another demon breathing from the outskirts of the forest. My heart won't stop beating fast. I ignore my Superiors when they call on me and after the spell I placed on my door they'll never get in. I escape at night for food but I'm scared that's if I stay out there for to long a demon will break the promise with the witches and come to kill me.

As I stared up I felt my hand shaking. Why are there so many demons watching me? Demons never do anything unless there's a purpose, so what could they want from me? I began to go over everything I could have done to make the demons angry and my mind went to the memory of the very first attack.


"You don't belong here!" One witch yelled at me.

"You aren't wanted! You're own family didn't want you!" Another screamed. I laid crumbled up in the corner as their words sinked into my skin like poison.

"Stop. Stop. Stop." I continue to whisper as I held my hands over my ears. I would look up and watched as more girls joined or walk by smirking at the event. I really wasn't wanted here. "PROHIBERE!" I yell and the talking stopped. I look up and I watched as each girl tried to form words out of their mouths but it all came out as a breath. They backed away fearfully and I stood from the ground and stared in horror as I saw what I had done. I push girls out of my way as I ran out. I ran down the stairs stumbling and ran threw the trees. If I wasn't wanted why stay? I could live on my own. I could...
I ran till my legs fell from beneath me. I laid on the forest ground as the sun began to drop.

"Why would a child like you be out here?" I hear a voice say. I sit up and see no one in front of me. I began to look around and I saw nobody.

"Who's there?" I asked as I looked around.

"Oh, I'm no one to you. So tell me, why have you ran into my territory." Territory? Did I run so far that I'm not in witches territory anymore? If I'm not there, where am I?

"I didn't realize I had ran this far." I said tiredly. I stood as I looked around for the owner of this voice. "I'll go." I said and began to walk back.

"Hold on, it's not safe for a little girl like you to be out here by yourself. Why don't I have a friend show you the way back?" The voice said and I turned and saw yellow eyes glowing at me from the dark trees and I could barely see the outline of the figure. It was tall and skinny from what I could see. I began to take small steps behind me as my eyes focused on the figure.

"No, I don't want to cause a problem." I said and I watch as the figure stepped closer.

"He doesn't mind. Besides we wouldn't want you to get lost and never return home." There was a strange tone in his voice like he knew something I didn't.

"I think I can find my own way back, but..." My voiced died out and the light finally showed me the creature. It was a demon. I was in demon territory!

"It's okay, my friend won't do anything till I tell him too. Your safe." The voice said but I couldn't listen to his words, I took bigger steps back till my back hit a tree. "Let's make a deal. You'll go back and you won't run away and nothing will ever happen to you." My eyes widen at his words. He knew I had planed to leave the coven! What else does he know?

"O-Okay." My voice cracked.


"RROOOAARRR!" The creature yelled at me.

"AAHHH!" I turn quickly and ran as fast as I could. I faltered ever few steps due to how tired I am but I still ran. I saw black spots enter my vision and I could feel my legs giving out from underneath me. I wasn't going to make it back. I collapsed on the ground and went unconscious.

Then I woke up, back in my room.


I shiver as I thought back to that day nine years ago. I was only twelve and I never considered leaving this place again. Whoever was talking to me that day obviously has some kind of control over the demons. Could he be behind these strange events? I've done exactly what he's asked me to do, I never left. So what have I done to make him come after me?

I'm scared, no, I'm terrified! I'm absolutely alone in this and the only person that could possibly help lived 200 years ago. I stand from my bed and my hand reaches for the book I had hid underneath. I stared at the cover and took a deep breath as I shook. I can't risk opening it again. Besides, even if he was here to calm me down there's nothing else he could do for me. He's from a different time after all. I throw the book onto my desk and I peer out my window fearfully. Standing outside on the outskirts was another demon and it look like it was standing watch waiting for something. I look around and see more demons come from the forest.

"What in the-"


Word Count: 1,011

So we learned why Mirella has been fearful to leave the coven. She also had a mysterious voice taking to her. I also kinda left this chapter at a cliff hanger. Keep reading to see what happens next.

Also don't be afraid to tell me about any spelling or grammar mistakes I will take care of them as soon as I can! I try to catch all my mistakes but no ones perfect

Also go check out my other stories!

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Till next time!

Bye-bye 👋🏻

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