Chapter 3: Imerium

163 7 9

August 24th, 2018 7:32 pm


The sound rigged out. The spell blasted me back with my ears ringing and my glass mirror broke when my body slammed against it. I held my ears and shut my eyes tightly waiting for the ringing to stop. Once it was gone I looked up.

The sight in front of me was...interesting. Most people might be frightened by this kind of thing but to me to was beautiful. It was a red mist or lightning surrounding an opening to a room that looked like it came straight out of Pride and Prejudice. I look behind the window and see nothing there.

"Your bleeding." A deep British voice said which made me jump back. I look around my room and then I look threw the window to the strange room. I see a man standing with great posture. He was in an outfit that also looked like it was from a Jane Austin book. He had blond hair the dark brown eyes. I stared at him and it was awkwardly silent.

"What?" I said aloud hearing my voice echo.

"Your arm is bleeding." He said looking right at me. I look at my arm and there was apart of my mirror in my arm. I pulled it out suddenly feeling the pain. I looked back over at whoever this guy was.

"You can see me?" That was the first question I said out of the million other ones I could have asked. He looked at me like I was stupid.

"Yes, I can." I heard an annoyed tone in his voice. I looked to the ground feeling stupid.

"Do you by any chance know what I just did?" I asked with an obviously confused tone in my voice.

"You don't know anything do you Imerium." I looked up at him with more confusion.

"What's an Imerium?" He widened his eyes shocked.

"It's what you are." I blinked a few times not processing what he wants talking about. But after thinking about it for a little bit I figured it was probably something insulting. He sighs as he sees the gears turning in my head. "You're an Imerium!" He looked at me annoyed. I still had no idea what he was talking about. "How do you not know who your own kind is?" He asked and the things clicked in place.

"You know what I am?" I question eggar to know more. He looked confused this time.

"Of course I do! Only an Imerium can perform a spell like this and your eyes are a dead give away." I was too excited to know what I was. I jumped up and down screaming happily. "Are you alright?" He said worried. I stopped what I was doing and looked to the ground embarrassed.

"Sorry, it's just no body has ever been able to tell me what I am." I said timidly. "I'm sorry if I sound ignorant right now but what is an Imerium?" I looked up and he looked confused about the situation.

"Power. They're the power element." I squinted trying to understand.

"I'm an element?" I asked. He thought about it for a little bit and then nodded.

"That's the short answer." I nodded kind of understanding what he was talking about but I didn't let my mind think about it too much.

"How do you know about this?" He folded his arms annoyed.

"How hasn't anyone been able to tell you this?" I thought about what could have caused this.

The Red Trail {COMPLETED}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon