Chapter Two - Eyes

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By the time Percy got to the recreation room, the entire room was looking mad and also saddened. Surprisingly one god was missing. Artemis was not standing with all the other gods; and she was nowhere to be seen. When Percy walked in, Zeus immediately noticed.

“Peruses Jackson, what are you doing here?”  He boomed, making everyone look up. Percy immediately noticed the look that Annabeth was giving Jason, and it made is blood boil. After all that he had done for her, she seemed to have found someone she loved more.

“I came to see why I am being called a traitor, and why she,” Percy pointed at Annabeth, “has cheated on me.” No one in the room moved or spoke, and Percy glared at them. 

Finally, Athena spoke “Peruses, you know why you have been a traitor; after all, you did it.”

“Did what?”

“Don’t play dumb with me boy,” Zeus boomed “You secretly were working with the Titans in the second Titan war. We found a charm hidden in your bed. You -“

“What!” Percy interrupted, his anger getting the better of him, “I killed Kronos, why would I be working for him? Athena, you can see the logic.” Athena stared at him. Piper had walked in and was standing behind Percy in shock.

“No I cannot. Your actions may have looked like you killed Kronos, but he is awakening again, and you are at the center of it. I renounce my acceptance of you dating my daughter, though it looks as if you don’t need it anymore.”

Percy was dumbfounded. He had saved the world twice for these people, and they didn’t trust him. He had no idea where the charm could have come from, and Kronos was rising again, how was it possible.  Annabeth, oh the idiot, believed them, after all that he had done.

“You can’t be serious,” Percy started “After everything I have done? I got your master bolt back, saved the camp at least twice, held the sky, defeated Kronos and Gaea, and you, Annabeth. After I fell into Tartarus for you, and saved you from Luke, this is how you repay me. You are all crazy!”

“We are not crazy.” Zeus said, with a dangerous edge to his voice. “The evidence points to it that you are a traitor. You are no longer a son of Poseidon, and you are now sentenced to death for treason against the gods.” Percy turned to his father, who was looking at him with hate and sadness. Then he turned to Piper, who was standing behind him. She had the same look of disbelief that he had.

“You can’t be serious, Just like Percy said, he has done too much to defy the gods.” Piper said, trying to support her friend. Aphrodite stood up. 

“You support this traitor Piper, how could you?” Piper looked like she wanted to cry. Percy finally had enough. He stomped his foot, causing a massive earthquake that even thought the gods off their feet, but it did not bother Piper or Percy, leaving them standing. Percy stormed out of the Big house, not looking back to see if Piper was following him, and ran off to the woods.

Piper was shocked that Percy’s earthquake didn’t affect her. She watched as he stormed out, startled. As the gods and the campers got back to their feet, Aphrodite said, “You are no daughter of mine. You too will be executed, We will find him and both of you will die.”

Piper said something that she never thought she would say.

“You are no better than the Titans. You betray those who help you.  I swear on the River Styx that someday you will realize what you have done, and will hate yourselves for it. I know that I will never help you again unless you get down on your knees and beg, and I am pretty sure that Percy would say the same. Goodbye jerks.” Thunder rumbled and she ran after Percy, leaving a group of startled and surprised gods and demigods, and for some reason, no one chased after her.


When Piper let go of Percy, she looked up to him. He looked down to her, and an understanding passed between them, though Percy had one question for her. 

“Piper,” He asked “Why are you here, I mean other than Jason, you did nothing wrong?” Tears began to fill Pipers eyes. He noticed and pulled her down next to him as he sat down on the stump. He put an arm around her, trying to comfort her.  Between sobs and sniffles, she answered him.

“When you left, your earthquake didn’t affect me. The gods must have thought that I was a traitor too, give that you saved me. Mom disowned me, and I was sentenced to death too. No one stood up for me or you. I ran from the room after yelling at them that at some point they would need us and we would not help them unless they get down on their knees and beg.” Percy looked shocked.

“I’m so sorry Piper, I didn’t mean to drag you into this, but I am glad you supported me. You are the only person, that I can still call a friend.”  They both sat there for a minute, before Piper spoke.

“Percy, we should get moving. If they are really intent on killing us, then we should head somewhere where they can’t find us.”  Percy looked at her, and sighed.


“Yeah, that’s probably are best option.”

“Then we should get moving.” 


“Piper, look!”  Percy pointed to the sign that they had hoped to see for two weeks. The sign read ‘Welcome to Alaska’.

Piper and Percy both sighed with relief. They had been on the run for two full weeks. Surprisingly, they were never found by the gods. The monsters hadn’t been that bad either, just a few per state. They had stolen a car somewhere in Pennsylvania, and it had thankfully taken them all the way to Alaska. They had used the stash of cash that was inside the glove box of the car to pay for gas. 

Piper had noticed on the journey that Percy had changed. His eyes no longer looked like they had before, twinkling, and shinning with sarcasm and happiness. Now, they seemed broken and desolate, and for some reason, they seemed to have specks of an icy blue in them. Percy had told her earlier that her eyes were more yellow than anything else. They, Percy had described, looked like flecks of gold. Also, over the time, Percy and Piper had noticed other small changes in each other, and their behavior towards each other. They had grown close. Neither would admit it, but they each had feelings for each other now, after running from the gods with each other. 

“Percy,” Piper said happily, “We did it, we escaped the gods. We are free!”

Piper was so happy that he kissed Percy on the check.  When her lips touched his skin, a small shock went through her body. Unannounced to her, the same thing happened to Percy. In that brief moment of awkwardness, Percy looked away from the road and looked at her. Piper almost passed out from shock. Percy’s eyes were now almost half blue, the color of ice. The sea green was still there, and the colors seemed to swirl around each other in his irises. At the same time, Percy gasped. He looked into Pipers eyes, and noticed that her eyes were now a mix of their regular changing color, and a bright gold color. They also seemed to swirl around each other, never mixing.

“Your eyes,” Piper said “Their different!”

“Look who’s talking.” Percy said “So are yours.” 

Percy was shocked to say the least. As soon as they had passed into Alaska, he realized, their eyes had changed. He had been to Alaska before, and that hadn’t happened. Why did it do it now? Piper seemed to be asking the same question.

“Our parents!” They both muttered. Their parents had disowned them, and it must have had an effect on them. They were only partially correct.

Percy looked up at the road in time to see that they had gone airborne. He hadn’t been looking at the road, and they were heading straight for a lake, right of the edge of a small hill.  

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