Chapter Three - The Huntress and Her Hunters

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Percy woke up to different surroundings than he last remembered.  He was lying in a bed with white sheets, and was surprised to find that he was hooked up to an IV machine. He started to panic.  He remembered that he was with Piper in the truck that they had stolen, and that once they had crossed the border of Alaska and Canada, their eyes had changed color. He looked around the room and was happy to see that Piper was sitting upright in her bed, and seemed to be reading something. She looked up at the movement on Percy’s bed and smiled.

“Good Moring, sleeping beauty.” She said through a chuckle.

“Piper, what happened, and where are we?” Percy asked, worried about their most recent problems, forgetting that they had ran from the gods.

“Percy, we are in a hospital in Alaska. When we crossed the border, our eyes changed, and you stopped looking at the road. We flew off the road and into a lake. For some reason, you were more hurt than I was, and the water didn’t heal you, though we were both unconscious after I dragged us out of the lake. We were found a few hours later, and we were taken to this hospital. We should be able to leave in about a hour of two, where they finish making sure that you are okay.”

“Do they know who we are?”

“No, I told them that we were on the run from our abusive step parents. Which is really true, I guess.”

“And they believed you?”

“Yeah, they did.”


Percy and Piper sat there until the nurses came and told them that they were free to go. To their surprise, someone had paid their bills, and they were waiting outside for them. Percy and Piper walked outside and Percy tackled to the ground by someone that they didn’t expect to see; Thalia. After a few moments of Thalia punching and hugging Percy, the rest of the hunters showed up. They explained to Percy and Piper that Artemis and the rest of the hunters hadn’t believed that Percy was a traitor, and they went behind the rest of the councils backs to make sure that they were alright. They had found Percy and Piper after about a week of searching, when they heard from Hermes that there had been a car crash with two people matching Percy and Pipers descriptions. They had managed to hide Percy and Piper from the rest of the gods without them finding out.  After explaining all of this, Percy and Piper were incredibly grateful for what the hunters and Artemis had done.  At that moment, Artemis appeared.

“Well, Peruses, it seems that you and Piper have been released. “ Artemis said. Percy and Piper immediately bowed to the goddess, but she waved it off.

 “There is no need for that, I believe that you two are now on my level in power if I am reading your eyes right.” Percy and Piper exchanged looks, and then said together


“Well, apparently, you two have been blessed by someone, that’s the only way to explain your eyes.”

“What do you mean? What happened to our eyes besides that they changed color?” Piper asked.  

“I have only seen this once before, and the person it happened to did not live through the process. There was a prophecy told hundreds of years ago about to heroes that someday would be betrayed by those who they love, and will become the two most powerful demigods in existence. They would be blessed by the father of the universe. They would have multicolored eyes and would save the world at least once, if not more, before they were betrayed. It seems, that as you have survived the blessing, and that you both have multicolored eyes, that you two are the subject of the prophecy.” Artemis said.  “The boy that I saw receive the blessing as incinerated right after his eyes changed, for he was not one of the prophecy. Now I assume that you two are.”

Percy and Piper looked shocked. They were blessed by the father of the universe, Chaos himself, and now, they were the two most powerful demigods in existence. To say the least, they were shocked, and maybe a little stunned, and a little bit more shocked. Then you could say that they were suddenly very curious.

“Why us, what did we do?” Percy asked.

“There is the reason, Peruses. You both are humble and you are not conceited, and you also both helped save the world. You two, in my opinion,” Artemis said, “The two most worthy demigods in existence. Sure, the others helped you, but in a way, you each played the biggest part.”

“Yeah, Percy is all those things, not me.” Piper said. She wasn’t convinced that see played that big of a role. All she had was a pretty face, a persuasive voice, and a dagger that could see things. She didn’t think that she was like Percy; she was convinced that she didn’t play that big of a part. 

“Oh, Piper.” Thalia said, surprising everyone that she spoke. “Sorry milady, but I need to tell Piper something. Piper, what did you do near the end of the battle when you thought that you had lost Jason?”

“I used charmspeak. So what?”  Piper said.

“You may not have realized it, but your command, it caused the entire army to die, not just those in your immediate vicinity. You saved hundreds of lives, by convincing the rest of the army to kill themselves. That is why you are worthy, you are more powerful than you think, and you almost sacrificed yourself to save Percy. In some ways, you are the exact same as Percy, and that also corresponds into you being chosen.”

Piper again was stunned. She thought that the army of Gaea had just been killed by everyone else. She didn’t know why she thought that, but she guessed that at the time, it was the most reasonable explanation. Also, as Thalia spoke, Piper’s stomach began to hurt. That was the place where she took the knife for Percy, who was busy fighting Gaea. At the time, Annabeth was also busy, and so Piper was the only one who could have helped Percy. She turned this over and over again in her head until Percy spoke.

“Piper,” He said softly, “You are deserving of this, believe me, you are more deserving of this than Annabeth would have, and what do we have to lose, camp betrayed us. We might as well take it in stride and use it for good.  Artemis.” He said, looking up at the goddess. “Why did you not believe that I was a traitor, everyone else did?”

“Percy, against what most people think, I can be swayed by a male. You are the opposite of what I preach to my hunters to hate.  I knew that you would never betray camp, and I knew that that new demigod would cause a problem, but no one else believed me. So naturally, I decided to protect you on your little journey here, unannounced to my hunters. They found you of their own free will, after Thalia heard what happened.”

“I guess I can accept that answer.” Percy said. His eyes flashed with a little bit of mischievousness, receiving a glare from the goddess. “I don’t suppose you know what powers we got, milady.”

“No, I do not. That is something that you are going to have to figure out on your own. I must go, before Zeus notices that I am gone from his “Radar.”  All I ask is that you two will remain loyal to the council, but you do not have help them, until it is time. Goodbye.” Artemis flashed out in a flash of silver, before anyone could ask what she meant.

Thalia turned to Percy. “Goodbye for now cousin be good to yourself.” She hugged him in a sisterly way, as to make sure that the rest of the hunters didn’t kill Percy, and whispered into her cousins’ ear. “And make sure to keep Piper safe, I can read you better than you think.” She gave him a mischievous smile, nodded to Piper, and then led the hunters out of the hospital, leaving Percy with a small tinge of pink on his checks. He turned to Piper, and all he could say was

“Well, that was weird.” 

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