I Quit! (Thanks for 1k reads!)

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♦️~~Rachel's POV~~♦️

We were sitting in Johnny's shop, all eyes were on me.

"Rachel, I must ask again, why were you with Ira?" Maya asked while leaning forward to me. I didn't dare look at her in the eye, I reverted myself from her gaze. 

"It doesn't matter, have a problem with that!?" I scowled harshly. Rory flew up to me.

"Stop scowling like that!" He scolded.

"Yeah! You'll get wrinkles!" Kippie added. I glared at the pixies. Their faces grew cold and they flew behind Maya.

"What does that ever have to do with the current conversation!?" I shouted at them,"You little... things.. Just don't shut up!"

"Rachel!" Mackenzie gasped. It must have been what I called Rory and Kippie.. 'Things..'

"What is wrong with you lately!?" Natalie yelled at me,"You've been exiling yourself from the group for a while now! Wait..." 

"It's Ira isn't it!" Regina shouted while pointing at me.

"What has Ira been doing to you!?" Mackenzie exclaimed.

"Girls, I think we should calm down" Clara spoke sweet and softly,"Let's just leave this conversation to re-" Maya cut her off.

"This is no time to be calm! Rachel loves Ira! A Mercenare!" I couldn't contain myself anymore.


"Yeah but..." Maya started to say,"Regina's different"

"HOW IS SHE DIFFERENT!? She was King Mercaneare's DAUGHTER!" I shouted in anger,"Thats WORST than just being a servant!"

"Maybe you should leave and never come back!" Regina retorted,"I changed! And looking at you right now, you have too, but for the worst."

"Didn't need to tell me that!" I growled,"Cause I quit the Glitterforce!"

~~to be continued~~

Hope you like it! Sorry that it took so long, I'm starting to force myself to write by rewarding myself every time I update by eating 3 Oreos. Thanks for 1k reads! Special thanks to the people involved in the milestone. *cough cough* people from comment thread *cough cough* 

P.S. please stop filling my notifications with your conversation..

Because Why Not! (Rachel/Rikka x Ira)Where stories live. Discover now