Lost in Thoughts, All Alone (Thanks For 2K!)

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♦️~~Rachel's POV~~♦️

There I was, laying in the bed me and Ira had shared last night. Wind flew through the open window, leading chills up my skirt, to my spine. There I layed with my head stuffed into my sky blue pillow. Suddenly I heard my room's door open.

"Rachel..? Are you okay sweetie?"

"Mom! Your back early!?" I exclaimed while running up and hugging her.

"I always come back at this time for lunch Rachel..." she quietly sighed.

"It's already lunch!?" I shouted while breaking off her chest. I quickly turned my attention to the alarm clock laying on my nightstand. She was right, it was lunch,"Huh.. I didn't even realize..."

"I came to check on you, to make sure you're okay..."

"Aw! Don't worry mom! I'm fine!" I reassured her. 'Even though I succeeded from my friends..'

"That's good to hear, well I'll be off..." She smiles kindly while closing my room door.

"Bye!" I smiled back while waving. Now I sighed and fell back onto the bed,"Ira...where are you now..."

There I layed. Lost in thoughts, All alone.


Thank you all for 2K reads! Already more popular than Shine a Light! But that's reasonable because this is decent and that's trash... well cya, wrote this on the bus out of boredom...

Because Why Not! (Rachel/Rikka x Ira)Where stories live. Discover now