A Harmful Feeling

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"Good morning everyone!" (Want you all to guess the Teacher's first name.)

"Good morning!" The students replied to their youthful teacher who held up their history textbooks. Rachel sat at the back of the classroom, opposite of the side she usually sat at. Ever since the argument she refused to be involved with anyone of her past companions.

"Today we'll be analyzing the Civil War and the plot events!" The children groaned with annoyance and boredom.

"Didn't we go let this last year!?"


"I wanna go home!"

Rachel held her head over her ear and sighed with frustration. These were 14-15 year old kids! Why must they whine about every little thing that they despise! She heard Maya complaint with the group. How was she not surprised? 

"Aww But Miss Roll! Can't we save this for next class!? Maybe we could watch a short historical film instead!?" She hid her complaining,"We did that last year!"

"That was middle school Maya, and I'm the teacher here!" She gave her an aggressive look of disapproval and passed out the text book.

"Erin? Maribel?" She continued to call out names and hand them their burdens. They all looked depressed as they gazed upon the size of the literature. Rachel however was ecstatic on the other hand! She's been studying this all break, knowing this would be the next subject.

Though she was a little hesitant to do anything. She was pondering over Ira. Such a dangerous emotion has been haunting her. Something that can possibly cost her life one day.

Yet she couldn't put her finger on it.


She knew what it was

She doesn't want to admit it though.


Did my writing improve compared to the beginning of the story?

Because Why Not! (Rachel/Rikka x Ira)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora