1| Hell

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Date: My Birthday [Sunday]

Time: 4:32 PM

Location: My house


18th birthday, huh. Typically, at this age a girl would celebrate, go out with friends, get wasted. I don't know, do whatever she wants.

And that's exactly what I'm gonna do.

But where do I begin? I'm not the type to do those things because I don't do 'friends'. They're a waste of time and I don't need them. I don't say this because I don't have any but isn't it better this way? Besides, what can I lose? It's not like-

"Ro?" Two firm knocks on my bedroom door along with my dad's stern voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Come in." I say exactly when his tall figure entered my room. He wasn't the strict type of father but more... overprotective as most fathers would be. His attire usually consists of suits even when he's at home since he holds meetings for his business.

"You're 18 today, am I correct?" He inquired.

"Yeah, so does that mean I can work for you now?" My attention suddenly directed on him.

His eyebrows raised slightly for a second as he inspected her eager expression. There was a gleam in her eyes he hadn't seen in a while and that alone was enough to convince him she can. He knew she was capable of taking care of herself. She wasn't a stranger to his 'business' but lacked experience so as his present for her...

He smiled and told me "Yes. You'll begin tomorrow morning. 6am sharp. You're going to school."

"Yes, finally!" I shouted, standing up from my slouched position on my desk. "wait...school?" Confusion and disappointment evident on my face. But before I could bombard him with questions, he left.

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