10| Overlooked

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Day: Thursday

Time: 7:13

Location: School.


Never in my life would I imagine myself worriedly running towards a boy purely because I left him for a little while. That's when I realise how stupid I'm being and stop to walk at a more considerable pace.

Will he be mad? My conscience reminds me how ignorant I've been and I begin to speed walk to the bench I left him at.

Then my eyes fall on him. My heart anticipates the reaction he's about to give me and I gulp. He's on his phone, brows creased and bottom lip captured beneath his teeth. I decide to just go for it, regardless of what will happen.

"I'm sorry I took quite a while, Jimin was being a brat and-" He darts his gaze upwards and shoves his phone into his coat pocket.

"So you're telling me it takes almost an hour to ask him about your brother?" He inquires, a gleam of something I can't quite identify in his tone.

"I don't need you to believe me. You're lucky I even came here to tell you- whatever it's late, I need to go home." I scan his expression. His shoulders slump, eyes frowning in disappointment.

I've realised I've wasted way too much time with him this past week. I can't afford to get too close for my own benefit and his. If I do involve him with me, it'll only put him in danger.

I'm sorry Taehyung, but you're not my priority right now.

However, the boy still proves to be his difficult self and grabs my wrist. "Yah, what's gotten into you-" The breeze drifts along his blonde locks, disguising the confusion in his eyes. They didn't seem to mirror his bold actions as he appeared shocked at himself.

No words are needed to convey my message as he unwillingly let me go. From the corner of my eye, I notice how he focuses on the ground, thick eyelashes veiling any emotion. With that, we walk away.


"I'm home!" I exclaim, throwing my bag on the ground as I head towards the living room. I spot Mrs Jeon outside from the window, lovingly tending to the rose bushes in our garden. Immediately, my tiredness disappears, and instead I'm eager to see her smile as I reveal the good news.

"Mrs Jeon!" I burst out loudly, startling her as she heaves out a sigh, hand placed on her chest. I prepare for her to scold me as I giggle from the face she pulled.

"Yah, you want me to have a heart attack?!" She threatens sarcastically which enhances my smile.

"Hey, you're too young to have heart attacks." I tease, simply overjoyed to see her. It's only been a few days since I've seen her as she went to visit her family, but ever since I figured out how her beloved grandson could work for us, I needed to make sure that she knew right away.

"Don't flatter me, anyway why are you home so late, hm?" Her eyes squint awaiting for my reply. I take her hands, dragging her inside to sit down before I tell her.

"You remember that promise I made you a few days ago?" She nods, questioning my strange behaviour but remains still.

"I've talked to dad about recruiting Jungkook to work with us and he's considered it!" I purposely leave out the tiny detail about the test which I'm pretty sure he'll be enduring tomorrow. I don't want Mrs Jeon to worry or more importantly faint from knowing that her grandson could potentially die from this examination.

Yesterday, dad told me that he successfully passed the written exam which assured he'd had previous experience and was thoroughly trained for the test tomorrow. Other regulations such as a thorough investigation on his past and identity were also done without a problem.

As far as signing contracts, according to dad, he "confidently signed" the papers which stated his permanent dedication and loyalty to work for us until death.

I understand how exhaustive the process is but is this life really worth it? He's signed up for a life of violence and danger. Jungkook may be a year older than me but he could've had potential to be... I don't know a singer or something.

Mrs Jeon remained silent throughout. Not being the reaction I expected, I wondered if I should speak. Right after, she blinks and squeals cheerfully. Her arms envelope me and I return it, hear swelling from the sight.

"My Jungkookie will be able to work with you? Thank you Ro-ie! I knew you would find a way!" She squeezes me tighter, and nothing felt better to know that you've made someone you love happy.

"I can't wait to meet him, Mrs Jeon." I say, pulling away to look into her glassy eyes.

"So that's why he suddenly decided to move from Busan. I haven't seen him in so long, he's grown up to be very handsome, I wonder if you'll fall in love with-" She rambles, too immersed into the idea that she'll see him soon.

"Not a chance. Mrs Jeon, boys aren't my priority right now. I'd like to experience freedom first, you know? There'll be a time in the future but for now, I want to have fun working for dad." I grin, knowing this is only the beginning.

"Where's he moving to?" I continue, curious about this Jungkook guy. Although he's Mrs Jeon's grandson, for all I know he could be an asshole. If he's going to support me, we better get along.

As she opens her mouth, someone else answers my inquiry. "Here." My dad walks in, and my breath hitches in disbelief as he finds the concept entertaining.

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