14| Envy

33 3 7

Day: Friday

Time: 8:37

Location: Home


"Woah, what happened to you?" I struggled containing a small laugh from seeing my dad looking like he'd been hit by a truck. "You were so confident as well." I ridicule.

He looked so weak and beaten up, I couldn't help but imagine what sort of monster Jungkook could be. On examining his state, I realise "Jungkook's passed, on his first try." All he does is nod in agreement.

His eyes slowly close while I brush his hair away, softly kissing his forehead. "You tried hard, get some rest now." I'll make fun of him for losing some other time, for now I'd like to meet this guy.

I close the door carefully this time, meeting eyes with Mrs Jeon. Her expression more at ease as I ask her where her grandson is. "He's upstairs, the room opposite to yours."
No fucking way.

I rush towards the stairs, anxious knowing how close he'll be to me. Without a second thought, I burst into the room, colliding with a firm, wet chest.

I look down hesitantly, one eye peeking in fear to see him naked. Thankfully, a fluffy black towel loosely hangs upon his waist. My hands are placed on his chest, dragging down to meet his abs and I gasp.

Pushing him away, I look at him as I bite my lip out of habit. Our faces mirror how flustered we are and the tension thickens.

Cold water droplets trickle down his jet black hair, contrasting his pale complexion. His face looked so innocent yet there was a hint of mischief in it. However, the boy turns away shyly, which is the complete opposite of what I'd imagined to see.

"U-um, I'm sorry I should've knocked." I mentally punch myself for barging in so rudely, speed walking out and shutting the door closed.

I leap onto my bed, slapping my face from the unholy sight I'd witnessed. "Stupid, stupid, stupi-" Someone knocks on the door and I contemplate whether or not I should jump out of my window and escape like last time.

"I'm walking in." The voice says, leaving me to panic from the state of my room. It's too late to fix anything as a head pops out, watching my terrified expression. I smile back awkwardly.

"Hi." I managed to speak, as he shut the door behind him. I shake my head lightly, composing myself.

"So you're Ro, I assume?" He holds out his hand.

"Yeah, and you're Jungkook?" I take it, glad that he's fully dressed as we introduce ourselves. He smiles and nods.

"I hope you don't mind, I'll be living here for-" I cut him off impatiently from all the thoughts in my mind.

"How'd you do it?" He smiles nervously, displaying what seemed to replicate bunny teeth while rubbing his neck.

I glare at him menacingly but he doesn't seem fazed. I'm frustrated now looking at how normal his state is. No sign of bruises or broken bones. Only...a cute boy. Just my luck.

"Well, it just happened. If you really want to know, I kicked him real hard. Also, stop staring at me you little weirdo." He smirks, ruffling my hair and I slap it away.

"Huh. I guess you were lucky." I dismiss, about to walk out of my room until he sticks his leg out, tripping me up.

"You little dickhead-" I tackle him onto my bed, my anger controlling me as I want to rip his luscious hair out.

"Ouch, it's not small princess." His eyes strike fire at me, my breathe hitching from realising what he'd said.

"You-you're disgusting. Get out." I swiftly stand, kicking him off the bed and shoving him outside.

I slam the door in his face, heart beating wildly. "Yah! My foot is stuck." I lean back harder hearing him wince in pain. Until he pushes back using all his force.

"You're a tough one, jeez." He crosses his arms, eyeing me up and down. "Why'd you look so scared when I walked in?" I gulp, he knows already so why bother asking.

"You've seen it already." He quirks an eyebrow teasingly.

"Have I? Is it all those posters of kpop boy groups you worship, adore-" He strides closer by every word.

"You better leave before I shoot you there." He didn't realise that I was sat beside my desk where I'd hidden a gun, now pointing it exactly towards his crotch.

"You wouldn't do it, princess." He argues, however he slowly backs away.

"You know, I've been told that I never miss." I click the trigger, aiming right beside his head. He flinches and I burst out in laughter. I emptied it just before.

"Tch. I'll get you back for that." He walks away, and I finally relax, placing the gun down. I'm gonna have to work with that. There's no way it'll work out.

My entire body settles onto the floor, until I remember there's no school tomorrow. Plus, I have another mission with Jungkook this time. Suddenly, my phone flashes and I answer it.

"No." A deep voice answers. My eyebrows crease and I check the contact; it's Taehyung.

"No what?" I laugh, pretending I forgot. For some reason I'm happy he called.

"You really want me to say it?" I nod as though he can see me. He sighs loudly. "I've never had a girlfriend, Ro." Good. Wait what?

"Why not? I mean don't answer that-" I stumble over my words for no reason.

"I've never had the time and I usually lose interest in girls quickly, but there is someone." He explains and my heart skips a beat. Who?

My mouth opens to ask him until someone breaks into my room. Again?! "Yah! They told me to call you down for dinner so hurry up princess!" Jungkook calls out and I glare at him. He knew I was talking to someone and purposely disrupted it.

"Stop calling me that." I swear I've said that way too many times. He simply shrugs his shoulders, as I return my attention to Taehyung.

"Who was that?" His voice more stern and my spine tingles.

"No one. Anyway who are you interested in, huh?" I provoke him, curious about the type of girl he's into.

"Let's go on a date again. Tomorrow." He declares proudly, but I have to refuse.

"Taehyung, I can't. I'll be busy all weekend." I tell him, slightly sad about rejecting him. Why? I don't know. I don't feel anything for him, so do I pity him?

"Oh. It's fine. Maybe some other time, I've got homework to finish so I'll see you on Monday." I could sense his tone change and I didn't do anything.

"I'll see you the-" He hangs up. I stare into nothing feeling disappointed in myself. Unconscious of the fact that Jungkook was listening, he decides to throw me over his shoulder.

I don't bother retaliating and remain quiet. "You're not gonna struggle?" He shakes me a little as if he's checking if I'm still alive.

"Mhm." I'm not that hungry but if it'll get my mind off being like this, then I'd choose it with certainty. One thing I know I hate is feeling emotionally weak and Taehyung triggered that. Why him?

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