4| Perspective

52 3 3

Time: 6:22

Location: still school.


Taehyung's POV

"Please, I can't go to detention. I-i came here to find my long lost b-brother. I don't have much time. Can you help me, please?" She mutters weakly against my lips.

Fuck. She caught me off guard.

I blink slowly, flustered from her sudden action.

She's cute. Different from the other people who avoid me instantly. She doesn't seem like she's lying as well...

"What can I do, Ro?" I reply firmly, maintaining our intense stare.

"I need you to help me get into the Principals Office. There are files there to help me find which class he's in." I move away from him as I say this, straightening up.

Principal's Office? Files? How would she know that? Only this Principal keeps files on paper nowadays. Whatever, I'll trust her. She seems desperate and I can't just refuse.

"What if I know him? What's his name?" I question, still uncertain of her honesty towards me.

"H-his name? I don't know. He may have changed it but my father told me he studies here. That's a start, right?"

She's stuttered twice now. Has she lied both times? First being about her brother, now his name.

"I guess so..." I reply doubtfully. I'll observe her for now.

"So let's go now. The principal shouldn't be in his office right now. He had a meeting after school." I recall, adjusting my glasses and ruffling my hair out of habit.

"Let's go?" I ask, grabbing her hand softly. I don't know why I did that. But it feels right. "I'll help you find him, don't worry Ro."

We leave the compact room, our hands still locked together. She doesn't seem bothered about it and walks beside me.

"Thank you, by the way." She looks at me and smiles.


Ro's POV

"No problem, Ro. We're here. I'll wait outside. Be quick though, you still have detention with me, remember?" He teases, with a slight grin.

"Awh, do I have to go? I thought you were helping me, Mr. Class President?" I retort cheekily.

"Hm, what's in it for me?" He leans closer, catching me off guard. My eyes widen.
W-what is he doing?

"For you?... um, I don't know." I say, biting my lip in thought. Don't make this harder, Taehyung. I sigh internally.

"Ah, how about cake?" I respond, quickly. I place my hands on his chest pushing him away in panic.

"Cake?" He almost sounded disappointed. "Even better, how about a date? With cake if you want." He offers, his grin forming a sweet smile at the idea.

Ugh, even worse. I don't have the time.

"Sure, it's a date." I smile lopsidedly. "Anyway, I'll be right back, ok?" I tell him before opening the door.


Sigh. I breathe out in relief from everything that just happened. My back leans on the door as Taehyung's offer replays in my head.

I can't lie about being rather excited for the date. I've never been on one anyway. I thought of them as a waste of time and irrelevant during school. It's also totally not because I've just never taken interest in any guy. Not at all.

I shake my head, remembering my mission. Right. The files. Now where are they?

I glance at the large desk situated in the middle of the room and walk towards it. Behind it are a series of drawers with a shit ton of papers.


I pinch the bridge of my nose frustratedly.
I expected to quickly hack into a computer, find the files, store it on a flash drive and happily walk out, to skip with Taehyung hand in hand into the sunset.

Easy right? Nah. Some old fuck probably enjoys sorting papers in his spare time. Now I have to look through all these drawe-

Oh wait. Student Files it read on the top right drawer. Ok maybe it was easier than I thought.

Ok, so 1 out of these 12 dudes in my class is working for BTS. I thought while studying the files I spread out onto the desk.

I furrow my eyebrows, scanning through each person carefully. Until one catches my eye. Park Jimin, huh...

He's very handsome and rich too. However, he's the only one who's enrolled about a few months ago. Everyone else has been here for years...

Wait. His personal information is also missing. Anything related outside of school isn't here.

Well that was easier than I thought. But just out of curiosity let's look at Taehyungs...


Taehyung's POV

Tch. What's taking her so long? He'll be back any moment now. I thought, tapping my foot and anxiously looking around.

I can't wait anymore.

As I was about to open the door to warn Ro, the Principal walked around the corner with his phone held tightly against his right ear.

He abruptly stops in front of me. "Kim Taehyung, What are you doing here at this time?" He asked in a serious tone.

"Oh, um I was just about to leave, sir. I stayed after school to watch over some students in detention." I reply, trying to remain focused on creating a diversion to signal Ro.

"Ok, you may leave then." The Principal ushers. He seems tense, but before he could enter the room, I cough loudly and kick the door twice. Hopefully that's enough.

"S-sorry sir, I'll get going now." I announce loudly, trying to gain Ro's attention once again. The Principal raised an eyebrow but eventually walks in.

Be careful Ro.


Ro's POV


My eyes widen and heart rate increases. On reflex I swipe the files untidily into the same drawer.

I didn't get a chance to look at Taehyung's personal information...but that doesn't matter now.

I hurriedly try to find a place to hide. There's no windows. No lockers. It's almost bare in here. Only a few paintings and certificates hung on the walls and a big ass desk.

The desk. I crouch and slide under the desk, my hands holding my knees to my chest closely. And exactly at that moment, the door opens and locks.


"I apologise, could you repeat your offer?" The Principal asks.

Alright, let's think. How am I supposed to get out of here? I've been trained for years to escape these types of situations. Think of a diversion.

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