12| Authentic

18 3 4

Day: Friday

Time: 12:42

Location: School


Last night, after I'd spoken to dad, I read Taehyung's messages. I'd forgotten that I gave him my number a few days ago during school without without even realising.

Now, as I walk into his classroom, I realise that he's pretty much alone the majority of the time. You'd expect the class president to be the most popular, but in Taehyung's case, it's the opposite.

The urge to speak to him hurts. I feel guilty for disregarding him, however this is exactly the reason why I won't. I can't afford to feel weak from such emotions. That's why I'll resume to using him as an asset to figure out who really works for BTS.

"Taehyung-ah" His head pops up from hearing my voice as I stand beside him. "Let's go to eat. You've been here all lunch." I tug on his blazer, unable to make eye contact.

He doesn't speak. Instead, he lifts his hand, fingers gripping my chin, forcing me to look at him. He squints his eyes, attempting to figure out what I'm up to. "What's your intention, hm?" I could feel his breath on my lips as I squeeze my eyes shut.

"What?" I open my eyes, glaring at his brown irises. "I'm hungry, you haven't eaten, so let's go." I state, confused by his behaviour.

"You could eat by yourself. You don't need me." He challenges, leaning closer. I move away, poking his chest.

I exhale loudly. Then, I did something I knew I'd regret later. "Taehyungie, lets go eat together, pleaseee." I pout, clasping my hands together while mentally cringing at myself.

His ears burn a scarlet red as he looks down, hiding his blush. Then he smiles brightly, leading me outside. I'm left shocked. It worked. All those dramas I watched payed off. I don't manage to catch his expression as I smirk, matching his pace towards the hall.

In the corner of my eye, I spot Jimin's arms wrapped around numerous girls and I remember the conversation I need to have with him. I can't just leave Taehyung, so I decide to catch him after school.

We sit together silently until I become curious. I don't really know much about him, ever since I never managed to read his files. This is my chance.

"So, why did you become class president?" I query, placing my elbows on the table. He gulps, adjusting his glasses before replying.

"Well, I wanted a reason to stay in the classroom after lessons, so yeah." He shrugged nonchalantly.

"Why? Don't you have other friends?" He doesn't seem like an outcast, then why does he isolate himself?

"I prefer it this way. No distractions, but you're an exception." He grins cheekily. "What is this, some interrogation?" He finishes eating and mirrors my position.

Unaware of the eyes peering at our direction, I proceed to questioning him. "What if it is? We don't know much about each other, so I'm making a start." I grin, flicking his nose causing him to move away.

"Third question. Favourite colour?" I giggle, his expression unimpressed from my move.

"The colour of your eyes." He coos, sending a sly wink my way and I scoff loudly. "Hm, I don't really have one. Let's say grey." He ponders, enjoying our little conversation.

"Why-" He cuts me off. I furrow my eyebrows, awaiting his question.

"Ah ah ah, it's my turn. You ever had a boyfriend?" His eyes twinkle, hand comfortably placed underneath his chin.

"...No" I murmur lowly. "Have you-" The bell signalling the end of lunch resounds the entire hall. Taehyung looked satisfied, meanwhile I'm frustrated from being left unanswered.

We aren't in the same classroom this lesson, so we part ways. Not before I warn him to answer me after school.


He waits patiently beside the same tree. His eyes disinterested at the girls squealing every second towards his way, yet his actions proved otherwise, provoking them with small lip bites and winks.

I could sense it. The insincerity within his character. From experience, he's hiding someone he truly is. I walk up to him, tapping his shoulder, startling him.

"Oh, it's you sweetheart!" He jumps, spreading his arms out to hug me but I dodge it quickly. "You're mean." He frowns, yet I dismiss it.

"You're not really a jerk, are you?" My question catches him off guard, unprepared for such a bold statement.

"What makes you think so?" His confident aura diminishes. I've broken his walls that easily?

"Your eyes. The way you looked at those girls. You didn't really like what you were doing, did you?" We pause, realising we're more similar than I thought.

"I'm impressed." He sighs, eyes piercing mine, searching for something. "It's the image I've created for myself. Never really was the popular one in school. I wanted to try it out, but now I can't escape from it."

"Why not?" I tilt my head. It's not that difficult, right?

"It's not as easy as you think. Imagine convincing people you're someone you're not for a long time. I can't just walk in tomorrow and be like hey, I'm not a player and I don't really like basketball that much. Would you believe me?" He made a fair point, and I understood the position he'd given himself.

"I guess we're in the same boat, huh?" I smile reassuringly. Seeing this side of Jimin made me realise we could get along well. Maybe.

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